Monday, September 25, 2023

mmmmlxxxvii (#2)


My humor is
no hyena. It’s
an architectural
rendering taped
to the entrance
of the new build
ing that came of
it. Or it’s at least
a 1,000 piece puzzle
done with family and/or
friends over a holiday.
It might be bawdy, full
of farts and snot and
other various human
and animal detritus. In
human form this might
be the consequence of
eating well and/or catch
ing a cold or a virus, or
just from too much belly
laughing. These are things
that happen that at times are
found funny and other times not,
depending on your momentary
perspective.  Finding the not-so-
funny hilarious is a fetching angle,
a rather delicious mode of humor 
that you might find me attempt in
order to seek the life-
affirming sound of
audible laughter.
Laughter that is
also a gut-punch.
But, also, humor
can be found in our
most heinous earthly
tragedies: death, disease,
divorce, heartbreak, failure
and worse, however bad it gets,
if I might coax the humor that
surely exists in such subjects,
in such tragic circumstances,
that is a feat I’d gladly be
known to have done. Delight
can be eked out of anything,
but of course there are many
situations which are inherently
comical in and of themselves.
I don’t mind using those as,
say, backdrops during a
rather serious section of
a written piece that I’m
building. Which reminds
me that those moments
in life which we find so
incredibly serious
ering, evenby which I
don’t mean tragic, but just
those things which traditionally
are not to be taken lightly – well –
I do love to find ways to milk a
bit of laughter from such moments
as these, so that the severity of
a tough situation might be
indelibly tied to the light-
hearted and humorous
for as long as the memories
of those who witnessed or took
part in such a juxtaposition had
any cognition at all. Self-deprecation
is perhaps one of my most used types
of humor. Some call this humility, but
it can grab attention, moving a spotlight 
ever closer.  I use it regularly enough, even
during my worst moments during which doing
so will have me pause for at least a bit of an
internal chuckle at the fine mess in which I’ve 
found myself. Moments in which someone (even 
if that someone is me) embarrasses themselves 
in front of a rather large group of people can be 
hilarious, but should never be done in casual 
manner or to further embarrass. Would that we
could all glean humor from our various embarrass
ments. Slapstick, physical, Chaplinesque humor is 
a big treat for me, and to be part of the physicality 
of such humor is one of the greatest treats imaginable. 
To go further with that notion just a bit, being a one-
time actor for quite the duration, doing or saying 
or being something on stage that elicits audible 
laughter has given me something that nothing 
else has. Diarrhea.  Just joking.  It is both 
immediate, like the quick pump of 
endorphins through veins, and lasting,
because it enhances the little bit of 
memory that I have, highlighting it 
in such a way that it remains with me 
at all times, and can be conjured, and is, 
particularly during those moments when 
it’s quite difficult to find any humor.
Be that as it may, it is during 
these times more than any
other that I seek out
any bit, from any angle,
best as can be seen from me,
while I am in the midst of it, these
in dour times, which are the widest avenues
over which I can be hit with a laugh or two
more and more regularity. These past few
years, when I have found myself virtually down
on my hands and knees looking for that speck
of humor, or that hidden gem of a guffaw, a
laugh that is so thorough that it is like a purge,
as if, say, a massage or a laxative or a purgative
might do – getting rid of whatever might be
toxic within me, allowing me to reconsider
the moment with a bit more focus, which
inevitably allows me to escape it just
that much faster. All because of
that thing most of us never deign
to take too seriously: things that
are funny, anything that can 
have us laugh. This is just
about the most serious
subject I can imagine.
