Thursday, January 18, 2024


Breaktime: Back to the Sheets of Years’ Worth of Notes
(an interlude inserted so as to have you
forget that I was explaining something)

Confession. It’s easier to put together a collage of
often illegible notes from various sheafs of parchment,
and way more fun, than to write about how, and why
I do this. So, on to the list. How often do you offer

up your specialty to the VP of Corporate Development?
Business has been a big party ever since Amanda was
serviced. servile? severe? ever since Amanda surfaced?
What splendidly complex calendar management overall.

Lots of mistakes to be made and corrected at last minute.
Most often after business hours. Oh, the frantic calls. You
don’t generally answer those calls. Caesar’s salad, full bag
of peanuts and cornflower pounders. One hundred each.

All flight arrangements are dramatic. This is a requirement.
We spend our days of frivolity mostly in the breakroom.

fancy teeth-breaking french burnt peanuts