Saturday, January 06, 2024


The Andean Parliament

The guys find the lips of Martian hydro-dealers
voluptuous. They were most of the late President
Corgan’s security corps, before his assassination,
which marked the end of the fairly bloodless rev

olution wherein the Andean Parliament’s (then)
7 Nation Army’s coup d’état occurred on M Feb 20.
Presently, it was now M Oct 13. Dean, who’d been
corps commander before the coup, seemed lost in

space to the rest of the guys here in Hellas basin. Now
he’d never afford a decent pod in the Valles Marines in
which to enjoy his retirement years with Ana, the love
of his life. She’d leave him now, for sure. He was down

in the dumps now, but he’d no Martian idea of the de
struction awaiting the desolate planet he called home.

reddish-orange planet