Tuesday, April 02, 2024



Is anyone paying attention
to politics, to political polls,
as they’d (who’d?) have us
believe? And if they are,

well, paying attention to what
ever’s hot and whatever’s not –
in general – which, surely some
body is, wouldn’t it be nice to

sort of have a look at those
as our noses go back toward
those trends in politics. Which,
yes, they tell us loud and clear,

are just trends? Because I for
one am worried. And might
that give some help? What
are people singing these days?

Oh. Do I know this one? Am
I afraid to actually ask?
depending on how I’m dosing on
anti-anxiety medication, I’m afraid

of just about everything I hear these
days, which is mostly the news, so it
could be my problem, being a devotee
of news. No. I know getting everyone

all worked up is a mental health disaster,
but what about the other disasters, ment
al health or no? I mean despite whether
or not. I mean, what are the chances

that basic trends might tell us all we
need to know on such matters? Is
anyone looking into this?
