Sunday, July 14, 2024


Don’t judge a book by its cover if you’re half blind.

Also, if you keep your mind
so open all the time it’ll leak
right out before you know it. 
And speaking of the tick of

the clock, time heals some 
wounds, particularly the
ones you take good care
of. Allow thou, then, when

all seems lost an avenue
out, an outlet, a period
of rest, exclamation point.
Don’t be coy about your

future. Once you find
yourself caught in a
predicament, you must
first seek out the nearest

bottle of Pepto-Bismol.
So if it ain’t in your
meds cabinet already,
what the hell are you

doing still listening to
me? I’ll rattle out an
infinite spume of non
sense no matter whose

presence I happen to
be enjoying. Which is
most always nobody
What a swell gift your

presence would be,
though. If only I knew
how to find you, I’d take
the time to do just that,

in hopes I’d have the
actual time. And if I
don’t, at least I can’t
say I did something.

saint sad sack