Sunday, August 04, 2024


Finding a Faraway Balance

The fear still here
somewhere at my
throat and elsewhere.

Tonight, he sleeps on
the opposite end of
the globe, winter to

my summer. He’s
all tucked into a
faux fleece coat

and I’m sitting
naked on my
bed as I’d be

doing on Xmas
or MLK Day. Oh,
that fear. We are

flush with politics.
We’ve even found some
stuff in common there

that both gives us pause
and makes us laugh. But
I have had enough of it,

so last night recommended watching
a comedy, a 30-minute sitcom.  And so,
he recommended a specific one and I

sat watching three episodes of 
it as soon as the suggestion
hit my eye. He waited until

his siblings had left, a
respite he rarely gets
these days, and almost

immediately he’d leapt
ahead of me. And so
the story typically goes.

For now.