Friday, September 20, 2024



There’s not even anyone here
to vote me off. Our fear of being
voted off and our despair at the
very idea. Oh, democracy. I

am just a popularity contest.
Take that to heart for just a
moment. Now remove all of
the humans. Think of everyone

who slept their way to the top.
Sure, dwell on that a bit, it’s a
fancy meal compared with the
inevitability. It has to have been

so many people. Can’t stay too
long in that fantasy though. It’s
getting dark. Time to get busy
with that plan on how you’re

going to stir the masses, have to
build that consensus. Assess the
population (the vermin, the insects,
the swaying palms), but quickly.

Introduce yourself to the neighbors,
brutal as it sounds, before it’s too late.

tropical isolation