Friday, September 20, 2024


The Apathy Conundrum

Hey, Dum Dum! What if your
problem isn’t that you’re simply
being terribly misunderstood?

What if the riddle of the
disappearing humans...?
Come on, it’s not like this

is a revelation. Oh, honey.
Already realizing it’s not a
hole that you’re itching to

dive into...? And, no, that’s
a river you’d really prefer
not to ride (da Nile). So

buck up, Dunderhead! It’s
even worse than that, and
you know it. “Don’t I ever!”

Hush, now. Was apathy ever
born from empathy? It’s time
to sleep. A hermit’s nightmares

are filled with his people, long gone:
never givers, takers all. He drinks a
toast to conspiratorial concoctions

like family. To those on the spectrum
from handshakes to high fives to tightly-
squeezed hugs
. Here’s to the ones who

never loved back. The invisible defenders
who show up every night, long after he’s
closed his eyes, only to disappear after

the curtain call that abruptly comes
once another night’s sleep gives way
to the reality of day; the cycle of a man

who wakes up, finds himself alone, sees
who he’s become. It’s a remake, a sequel,
the whole franchise of a nobody. This, each

morning, on repeat: again and again he feels him
self unravel, becoming more and more un
this poor man who’s always as good as done.

despise you