Friday, November 15, 2024


T-Mobile Annie

Imagine it’s a dozen years ago. And
you were given an assignment that
you are just now completing. Such as
this sonnet, if you can call it that without

any triangulations, the prequel to Credit Limit.
So far so good, won’t be much of it to worry
about. I dropped that horrid company years
ago. But were they better times? Is AT&T any

better? No and resoundingly, yes. I’m not sure
what was accomplished. Another day, another few
dollars further into debt. We pick our fights, with
fraud at every turn (the spam!). But do as the gurus:

tune ‘em in, turn ‘em off often, averages a win-win.
Oh, and don't forget to pay your bill in decent time.

don't forget to pay the bill