Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Feelings Make Sense

Feelings make sense
is illogical, nonsensical.

I, of course, can empathize
with such polarity. I mean,

I can be just as perplexed as
the rest of you with it, but still,

I’m a Gemini. The fluidity
that is me is not something

I thought I’d ever quite
think of in the way that this

sentence is expressing. I
did drag once. What does

that have to do with any
When I did, what

I wore was an ensemble 
an ex let me borrow

that he had picked up sev
eral years previous.  It was

the costume of a particular
pumpkin-themed anime 

character. Or themed with the
fruit the color of which shares

that pinkish-orangish color 
with traditional pumpkins. Is that 

an impossible juxtaposition of hues
If so, its apropos, I suppose. I’m too

exhausted to even wonder at it....
Actually, I lied before. I did what

I consider ‘drag’ twice. The
first time was as that pumpkin

manga character (it had a 
pinkish-orange hooped miniskirt)

one Halloween in the mid-2000’s.
The second time was a couple

of years after the first time,
only this time, also Halloween,

I wore a costume described as
American Civil War Nurse that

I’d picked up at some party store
the day of. But not one of the 

folks with whom I attended that 
party, hosted at my apartment

(therefore the guests would
known me), would ever even

remember that I was there, 
much less what I was wearing.

grind eat pray