Wednesday, February 24, 2021


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Take off your shirt. That moment (you are getting closer) I feel it in my middle THAT
MOMENT just before the 1st kiss and you are so forthright that moment with all of these
butterflies (I fantasize, no?). That moment. That moment with all these butterflies you feel it in
the music he is sitting next to you for hours and you do not touch and then you are standing up –
what’s the excuse? – you have to pick up a Uni-ball blue. Yes, that was the perfect moment.
That was the perfect song. And I am humming it almost silently now and this is actually a short
story because nothing ever happens. Yes, let’s make this a short story. (Does it have to be THIS
short?). Look how sexy I am blowing my nose. What is ‘artistic sensibility’?

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