Saturday, March 13, 2021


Chapter 12: Tick-Tock-Flop (Plop!)

An abstruse but delightful
sense of fashion? Please do
kindly forgive the ease with
which I get sidetracked.  Act-
ually, I suppose that your for-
giveness is unnecessary and
my request is premature.  It
is simply that I am already
beginning to understand the
romance a writer develops
with the world of their fic-
tion. . . .  Already, Edward
is venturing away from real-
ity and into the fantastical
universe I myself create.   I
open my eyes.  I’m in a new
world, I’ve decided.  Already.
Edward.  Is venturing away
from reality and into the fan-
tastic, frenetic fanatical uni-
verse verse verse verse a
verse a verse a verse averse
adverse universe I can create.