Saturday, September 21, 2024


I Am Not My Country

Is a joke I tell myself
because I have a funny
sense of humor. Is that
not the explanation you

expected? Not my country
is the stand-up routine I
do with my friends. They
laugh all serious-like be

cause they know me. Ya
know? Sure you do, citizen
ry, audience, cast and story.
That’s plot and whatnot.

Welcome to my house. I
live here (do I ever?!). A
home, they say, reveals 
a lot about those within

which cozy, its homies.
Look around. Scrutinize.
Tell me who I am from
where I happen to live.

Where I choose to be.
Haha. The husk that’s
left of me is so at home,
so lucky are we to be here.

Oh, dear, the tour’s almost
over. Have you seen my
bedroom, its vanity, look,
see, that’s me. But I am

not my country. Nor are
any of my pals, each of
whom left me for other
countries. Other currencies.

Read Me Like a Book
(It Goes Without Saying)

not my country