Monday, January 31, 2022


Southern Sugar

     Last night I went to the bathroom three times.
                                          —John Ashbery

Like how Covid
brought out my
diabetes, earth
can be a drain
in the middle of
the night, the
ache of being
alone for years
weighing heavy
on my chest like
the rock I tied
into my t-shirt
before diving to
the bottom of
the deep creek
so I could eith
er get a merit
badge for swim
ming or drown.

Sunday, January 30, 2022



don’t get me started
i’ll never stop

once i begin to yap
i’m gonna yap
off your ear

trust me what i’m
saying to you
and don’t

listen to a word of it
pick a topic

and i’ll go on and on
and on you’ll never
hear the end of it

i like to talk i say the
most important
thing that i

can do is to engage
i love engagement
i’m such a

chatterbox or that’s
what i’ve been told
since i was just

a kid and sometimes
it even said so on
my report card

as if this were some
sort of a problem
do you think

that i can’t focus when
i’m speaking so

i wonder then how
the heck you

think that i can and
so endlessly


some things that make me cry are poems

and i do
really believe
that shedding a

genuine tear or
two is almost
always a

good thing
for me to do.
i am certain that

i could find some
logical way to
explain why

this is so,
but it would pro
bably take a while;

so for right now, all i
will say about that
is that i don’t

really know
why i cry when i
do. but i have cried

over breakup or two, for
example, and per
haps just a little

bit at one or
two weddings or over
the death of a person or

animal with whom i was part
icularly close, but these
are generally things

i never shed
a single tear at or
near. i will, however

let out a really good sob
at the end of a really
good movie or tv

show, or find
myself with that
certain feeling i get

directly before shedding
a teardrop or two
at some single

poignant moment
like, say, on a hike
as i step perhaps out of

a thicket and onto an over
look with a magnificent,
breathtaking view

or when listening
to music and a certain
song begins or there have

been moments as a member
of the audience at certain
performances, like

the symphony,
the opera, most
any theatrical prod

uction, especially if
it is a musical,
or even

the opening
credits while at the

cinema, but these
examples pretty
much exhaust

the list of
specific moments
when i find myself

in such a way that i am
taken over by the
act of weeping.

and as i mentioned
earlier, i definitely believe
that it is good and it is healthy

to have a cry now and
again; i always feel
better after, rare

as it may be
that i experience
such a thing – cathartic

is what i call the act of
doing so, a purging
away of some

not-so-good stuff
within me so as to re
fresh. so it must therefore be

that among my favorite
things, in general, are
beauty and art,

and also, and
more specifically,
i suppose, i would say

(and be there teardrops
or not, i would attest
that these are

things about me
which are very true)
that i love music and

performances of
almost any
kind (i

just re
that i forgot to

mention dance, how
dancing, whether
done all by

alone or with
someone i love

or with a conglomerate of
friends, or, say, while
watching a ballet or

any such pro
duction of such
humanly movement

can and has at times
turned on the veri
table water

works), especially
those which in which
music plays an integral part

and driving cross country or
taking a train or a plane,
so long as there is

a window, or
taking a hike or
a city walk or sitting

atop the sand at a
beach or going
to the movies

or watching
television, and
most assuredly that

either reading or writing
a few pages of poetry,
these are a lot

of the things
that i must enjoy
the most (and i do

in this life thus far,
and because of
the very

existence of
each i am grateful
and feel most blessedly rich.

Saturday, January 29, 2022


Hopscotch Bottle Rocket

Someone hollers “Hot
body, lost in space,
what the hell are you
gonna do
” in
the general direc
tion of a family of
three or four or five.
The screaming lady
pauses afterwards,
staring a bit over
the heads of the
family up toward
the sky, then she’s
off as quickly as she
appeared and is
soon out of sight.
The family starts
a bit at the loud
query seemingly
addressed to them,
or to the twilight-
soaked sky that’s
just above their
precious heads.
And one can, if
one were to bear
witness, that each
individual seems
to have taken her
words in such a way
as if they had been
personally addressed
to herself or himself.
The slightest of them
all, who might be a
little girl of five or six
stops the quickest in
her tracks and be
gan to look more
and more alarmed,
even after the yell
ing lady was long
gone; she was com
ing undone, had a
stark look of alarm
covering her entire
visage that inevitably
transitioned into a
transparent pout,
which soon had a
quivering lip that
predicted a stream
of crocodile tears
that came only
moments after
that. It turns
out the little
girl with the
heart of gold was
overwhelmed with
worry and grief and
was trying desperately
to devise a plan to res
cue whomever it was
(and she had some
ideas about who the
unfortunate soul was)
to rescue them. The
father of the crew –
I shall call him that –
aligns in rapturous
thought with those
(thoughts) of his
teenaged twin
boys for all
three of them
last all focus di
rectly after the
first two words
of the diatribe
that had been
screamed at or
over the general
direction of their
identical haircuts,
“hot body,” which
has them each em
bark upon separate
and quite personal
trips (oh, they’re
not going any
where physically,
the entire family
stands stock still
for what seems
like an eternity
after the loud
words are so
hurled) – which
is to say that a
certain electrical
zing begins to per
meate their mid-
sections (by which
I mean that area
above the knees
that falls below
the imaginary
horizontal line
one might draw
in one’s mind
at each’s navel;
so, below the bel
ly button, as it were).
As for good old (and
do not even think of
calling her that out
loud) Mom? Well,
who can truly tell
what she might
be thinking. It
might be as
cliché as
about lunch,
which had
more than
likely been
ordered a
few minutes
previous to the
family’s stroll to
to a pizzeria to
which the family
gave patronage,
might even have
been the establish
ment’s best weekend
customers (not that
there weren’t the
occasional week
days, as well)
and was there
fore turning a
rather perfect
shade of baked
light brown as
the order of
pies sat in the
rather uniquely
sloped oven that
the parlor’s owner
had had shipped
special some de
cade and a half
previous all the
way from Sicily.
But what if it is
true, as well, that
Mom has taken the
earlier screamed words
more a bit more to heart?
What if she is heard to utter,
with a voice that at first sounds
a might shaken, a bit weak, but
crescendo up toward the decibel
level of the words upon which this
story began, that rises into a scream
that forever alters the history of the
family that had been so casually
strolling the familiar blocks of
sidewalk just minutes ago?
She starts with a snapped
“Damn right!” expressed
in an unsure vibrato,
but then comes,
“What. In. The.
Hell. Am. I.
Doing. Here.”
deliberate, her
confidence rising
as she admits in
verbal assault at
the universe,
“Lost as I am,
lost as I have
been for SO

And then she
turns a quick
walks her
self ‘home,’
(Dad and the
boys, with pizza
on the brain, give
her a brief look that
might be a combination
of disgust and surprise,
and then begin to amble
their way without her to the
pizzeria) without even really
considering the items, pulls
a few things from drawers
and cabinets and closets and
tosses them into bag that is
not quite large enough to be
called a suitcase, walks the
bag out to the beige-colored
sedan that is parked in the
carport, hops in the car after
tossing the bag in the back
seat, keys the ignition,
and reverses the car
out of the driveway,
kicking up a bit of
gravel along the
way, backs
into the
in front
of the
in which
she’s some
how existed
for nearly
twenty years,
(aptly called
Main Street),
and speeds
off into the
never to be
seen or heard
from again by
what will become
a more out-of-sorts,
disturbed and depressed
family of now only two
or three or four.


If It Please the Court

and just what if
like a dicky disc
i slipped and fell
into the subversive?

it’s always possible
to work on some
thing for a while,
but who doesn’t

like movement
to a different
beat? before
the termites

arrive, i think
that i would
like to master
a stringed in

how about
what you do
for a living?


Love Poem

what’s the

definition of
male unit –



to probably
use when


which is

really an

to mj


and not


it’s peter,



it’s enter


at it).




Wednesday, January 26, 2022


a poem about memory, and about
two green pens, and miracles,
and grief, and defying Plato,
and energy and disposition

i have 2 green
energel pens,
pens with a
name that
sounds like,
if they were
you’d find
them – nat
urally, in the
energy drink sec
tion, which is, to
my senses (and
i would like to add
just plain common
sense), filled with
bottle after bottle
and can after can
of distasteful swill.
anyway, the thing
is i swear a few
weeks ago i threw
one of these two
green energel
pens with green
ink into the trash
because it had
begun to refuse
to make any
marks, as
pens are
wont to
do once
the ink
runs out,
or if it’s
shoddy ink,
or a poorly
pen, perhaps.
But here I am
with the two
pens before
me, one in
hand, through
which the ink
is flowing as
smooth as a
crystal clear
stream with
out any rocks
or limbs or
jutting out
from below
the surface
at all, and
nary a pad
as far as
the eyes
can see
either up
stream or
no pads nor
any natural
or unnatural
palettes of
any kind
the surface
of the crystal
clear stream,
be it frogged
or frogless, and
in fact, no lazy
animals one
might find
enjoying the
stream, either
half-in, half-out
or just under the
surface, no birds
dipping down with
a splash, just that
crystal clear water
flowing at just the
right rate, not too
fast nor too slow,
smooth as can be.
that’s how the ink
is currently flowing
from my green pen,
just as smooth and
even as the curlicues
of my grip can swivel
and circle in the air
just above the paper,
where the thoughts
that run apace inside
my head may all be
juxtaposed, one abutt
ing the other, being
of a mood, as i am,
when, for whatever
reason, typing seems
inappropriate or the
incorrect way to go
about things today
(this can sometimes
be the case; in fact,
at least for me, even
though i’m generally
quite versatile when
it comes to the meth
od by which i stream
words in such a way
or in the hope of
making something
once might call art
or special or poign
ant of the accumu
lation of words –
for example some
days i might record
lines, other days i
might dictate them
into my phone, into
my little handheld
as i think of them
these days, only
recently have
these things
become so
that they
can at
times be
one of the many
options we have
to construct these
conglomerates of
words, and so,
being “old
school,” as
it might be said,
meaning, simply,
old, it’s a pretty
exciting thing for
me to use my tip-
top pens, like this
green pen which
hastily, and a bit
too sloppily, is
now scribbling
this first draft.
so what turned
out to be at first
a mild dilemma
has become in
stead something
of an unexpected
blessing, since from
now on, whenever
i come across these
lines, or even see
the title scrolling
down through all
of the little pack
ages i create in
order, among
other things,
to rattle my
memory a
little bit, i
will – indeed –
remember; this
silly moment will
forever be a part
of the history of
me which i can
recall, wax no
stalgic, learn,
even if about
how and why
i might write
that is per
haps a bit
too lengthy
about a day
when i dis
covered that
i had two of
my favorite
green pens
when i be
lieved i on
ly had but
one. i
could men
tion that one
way that i tend
not to be able to
build a poem, and
am envious of those
who can, or at least
it’s not very often
that i can, is by 
building a poem to
near completion
within the simple
confines of one’s
own memory, hav
ing the words arrive
in your head in such
a way that the struc
ture, the words, all
is remembered and
built strictly in one’s
mind – no can do.
i mean, i’m the guy
who writes primarily
because he cannot
under normal circ
umstances remem
ber; writing creates
a rememberable his
tory of me, which i
appreciate so much
that i do it, like this,
most every day. the
ongoing force that is
within me cannot but
write these various
and often eccentric
or so mixed up jum
bles of myself that
once assembled are
stories unto them
selves, which, by
the way, is the
other bookend
of the poem that
completes it, the
other being to
write things in
such a way to
remember act
ual times, places,
events, simple
moments, mon
umental ones,
and all that 
might be said 
to be in between,
no matter the
fiction that
might be
added, in
fits and starts,
there is, above
all, this tiny
record of my
one to which
i can refer,
while still
here at it,
and one
which gives
me great joy
and enlighten
ment, and may
even do the same
for others who find
themselves reading
one or two of them,
at some point,
should such a
happy accident
as this occur, but
of that i am not the
expert, i leave it to
the reader. and
the words then,
at any later date,
often elicit memo
ries of literal times
i experienced. and
it is this archiving
that becomes imp
erative to me,
without which
i would seeming
ly have so little to
work with, no means
to really compare, to
learn from, and to use
in order to grow or to
mature as a human, a
good human, which is
an aspiration, at least
for me. these create
little sounding boards
from the past towards
which to toss out ideas
and to see what then
might return, with
which to brainstorm.
there’s the constructed
piece, archived, which
forever lives with an
old me, toward which
i can, from some dis
tance yonder, look
back, and with which,
with whom, i can even
converse, and we can
assess whether or not
we are doing okay, or
whether we’re regress
ing or backsliding, mov
ing into dangerous or
treacherous territory.
so, as i was saying,
there are many means
by which to create these
sounding boards for the
many archives past that
exist with all of the ver
sions of me that have
come before the ones
that i am now, and
yet today, i hold in
my right-handed
grip my favorite
pen, with green
ink, and, with one
hand holding down
the tiny notebook
upon which, 
gripped in the
other hand, this
pen is smoothly
issuing forth, and
at quite a speed,
what you or i
are now reading
in front of us at
some possible
distance into
our individual
again, with
my left hand
i hold the
small notebook
that is being written
upon, and in my
right i have
a green pen,
whether or not it was 
the one i thought i threw 
away, i have no idea, and so, 
after getting this far into what 
has become a rather tall structure, i
might feel it necessary to go about switch
ing pens, to see how the identical pen might 
act when gripped and swung to and fro, 
over and about the small notebook, what
its tip might offer the paper that is now be
ing filled, page after page, by the pen 
which i am presently holding so as to
build. and so i switch. could it be the
one i thought i tossed into the trash
which barely left a stain, which left
almost nothing but a few scratches
and green sputters upon the paper,
when last i had it in this grip?  let
us see if it is. and. lo and behold.
the identical green pen has what
appears to be the capacity as
the one that was being written
with before it. there is no
sputtering, no stuttering,
the lines of ink are as
solid and smooth and
are written with the
same ease as the
ones before it.
could this
be the
that i
had meant
to trash? was i
so wrong in believing
that the life of it had
all but left? that it
was, for me, of no
more use? or might
this pen, or the one
that came before it,
somehow miraculously,
or by some odd act of
serendipity (i have no
visitors, i haven’t bought
a writing utensil in many
months, could it have
arrived but by some
magic?) is now in
my hand writing
the end of this
long piece
about many
things that are
centered around
the two green pens
that i now have that
each work perfectly?
plato was wrong when
he said that for every
thing there was an i
deal template. what
i have here are the
absolute ideal plato
nic templates to the
perfect pen for my
hands, and they a
identically perfect
with which to build
these structures,
particularly if they
are tall and wordy
like this one. am
i saying that clear
ly plato was wrong?
and furthermore,
would either of
these green pens
be the ideal tem
plate of pen, if
we were to ask
plato? may i
venture to say
probably not?
so haven’t we
just learned to
defy one of the
greatest philo
sophical (and
minds ever
known to have
lived on this
beautiful plan
et, just with a
simple, some
what tedious
stack of lines
about, among
other things,
two green 

Monday, January 24, 2022


in memoriam

and these are the
symptoms of grief.

i shot myself.
didn’t go far.

enough is enough.
you don’t have to

tell me twice. chin
resting sternly upon

sternum. flowers

flores, flores por
los muertos

rock of gibraltar,
my brand, oh,

my funerary
stela). stela!

i, too, scream
your name,

but not a soul
responds, not

a single hu
man comes

to carry even
an ounce of

my grief. no
one hears me.

scratch that.
on second

thought (if
thought even

be thought).
perhaps i am

the spilt bucket,
the goner, 

gonzo, and 
you are the

one left yet a
mong the living.


shitty ditties pain pangs

“these are the symptoms
of foolish behavior.

they flare up on
occasion deep

within the nooks
and crannies of

those perverted
souls of sadistic

spirit and dour
deadpan humor.

do not be so al
armed, my friend,

lowbrow is the
new pop, as

they say. how
ever, and this

should be no
newsflash, but

it was also the
old pop, just

it was your
grandpop’s pop.”

“all i was saying,
dude, was that

perversion has
always popped,”

was the curt
reply to burt,

by his on-again,
off-again colleague,

tim. and on they
went, the two

having just
embarked upon

a romantic
weekend hike.

Sunday, January 23, 2022


bottom dweller

he scooped up
the bait without
even listening
to the pitch

the shitty little
ditties he kept
whistling on the
way to the resort

would’ve made
most folks a bit
if not queasy

whilst whistling
the car – a nimble
red one of the
sports variety –

swerved a bit
to the beat of
whatever ditty
he was whistling

and then took a
harder jerk when
he tried to keep
from slamming

into a big bird –
a pelican, from
the looks of it,
which was odd,

he thought –
and this he did
but in so doing

scraped a few
sparks against
the guardrail
with the cherry

exterior of the
door and then
it was all swivel

and swerve
as the tires
of the whistler’s
sleek automobile

began to skitter
and squeal
upon the

for a few split
seconds before
the whole car
went into a

full pivot
as it flew

over the rail –
which took a
chunk off the

hardtop as it
soared over the
sheer cliff’s edge
falling in what –

if there had
been a spec
tator anywhere
in the vicinity –

would have
seemed to be
slow motion

all the way
down into
the deep

he died in
stantly hav
ing never once

a single
moment of
ness – the

chinese to-
go box filled
with wormy
soil was also

directly up
on impact

but later –
found comp
letely intact
in the crumpled

trunk – was
found a plas

tic bag filled to
near capacity
with cool clear
water that

was sealed
with a twist-
rubber band

it had nary
a puncture
and inside of
it were a baker’s

dozen unfazed
minnows which
were swimming
around and

around calm
ly in tight
ed loops


      ...but somebody gotta eat somebody,
      else a belly go empty.

                                —Glenn Ingersoll

life is a perverted swarm
of heat-seeking missiles
that soar about the globe,
each in fits and starts, 
searching for kindred
more feeble or prone to 
be caught off guard, 
which is to say that 
they prey on those of
us whose energy or
life force can be most
easily and efficiently
sucked dry in a sin
gular slurp. in other
words, on this planet,
you’re either a crumpled
dud or one sauntering
aimlessly without even
bothering to look where
you’re going or you’re
absolutely soaring.
which is to further
say that all of the
world’s perversion
comes down to us
few lucky soarers.
and who can blame
us, really? wouldn’t
you rather be an
erection, swooping
and swerving around
in the ever-vanishing
atmosphere, alert and
on the prowl for your
next life-renewing
victim, than some
enfeebled worm,
a slug that is 
stuck upon the
crust of this 
earth just
twitching and
writhing its way
toward inevitable
oblivion? i thought so. 
now, if you’ll excuse me
while i get ready to 
hoover up. taste 
ya later!

taste ya later!


fry daddy

“it doesn’t make you
hip to spend most of
your time in these
antiquated venues,
but that is most

absurdly and
what you do, day
in and day out.”
gordon’s head,

slumped as
far as physically
possible, rests,
and squarely,
chin upon breast

as he wanders
the city aimlessly
mulling what pete,
his so-called hubby,
had informed him just

a few short hours ago
while tumbling out
of the shower. after
that depressing
decree, pete took

a few dizzying spins
through the condo
(which he’d always
called our little
love nest

before making a
quick stop at their
bed (where gordon
sat in a lumpy heap)
adding, “on the brighter

side, gord, you’ve an
outstanding physique.”
and then he was off,
loping out the door,
never to be seen again.


the elder burglar who
only stole plungers

“remember macramé?”

“i don’t. i’m much
more of a today
guy, myself.
today and

beware of
those who
always look
back. those
who muse
ally on the
past and
that you
do the

my words,”
the stranger
“too many
can only
lead to one

“oh, yeah?
and what,
pray tell,
is that?”
said the
new acquaint
ance, also a
who was
to him
at the

in the

the two

Friday, January 21, 2022


ghost in the sunroom

the glass
iced over
like memory

the winter
viper’s here
in the dead of it

time had equals
time lost because
an asp is an asp

is an asp
unless he is
also a goblin

but he’s 
just a ghost
he’s just 

a ghost and
there he

death is
some consolation



Someone was at
the door, banging.
It didn’t even start
with a knock knock
knock. Sitting quietly
on the couch, it sounded
to us like the door was a goner.

The banging never stopped.
We never even called the
police. What else happened?
A table exploded. A drunken,
bloodied glass of water was
flung toward a voodoo doll
and failed to miss. That was
amazing. The cops were called
then; oh, the irony, and the mathematics.

certainly did not stop. It would
never end. We grew more and more
uncomfortable on the plush sofa.
Did the door survive; remain in
tact? Or did it finally come unhinged?
Oh, can you not just tell me when the banging will ever end?


Trooper Who?

What panache!
He’s such a trend
setter! Once, oh,
once, oh, once
or twice (or
maybe even
more – wouldn’t
you just adore?)
Was it on 57th?
I’ll get back there
someday (I hope,
can only hope).
Those incessant
What style, what
motor memory!
What style, oh
my, I’d fly back
in a minute just
to put you in this
empty pocket. Zip!

Sunday, January 16, 2022


don’t you go &*

please don’t use
your romance as
a weapon on me 
the moon’ll be right up
there again tomorrow
[points up] yeah so

please don’t use me
like a romance like
a stone against a
necromantic cliff
like a sworn (and
solemn) oath against

my soul the very
heart beneath my
breast beneath my
beating (tick tock)
clock (you heard me)
just this once please my

love my shield my
ululating ocean

*tsunami song


three sermons and one fat tick

when i was a rock star
no one ever asked for
my autograph . . .

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

of my grandparents,
the immediate ones, three
despised their given first names

and went instead (and were
known personally) by their middles;
the fourth had no given middle name

(driver’s licenses and such showcase
a middle initial, “B,” but i have been
assured that this was whimsically con

cocted by said grandparent –
apparently at quite a
precocious age).

i am truly blessed with the
luxury of knowing each of these
forbearers personally; i spent

countless weeks in the presence
of each. they have, in me,
become my most palpable,

most significant, concept of
home – especially in my
most recent or later years.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

oh, now, please, no, it was
not at all that pitiful. i was
still, after all, a rock star.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

i will always treasure them with
all that is in me, my grandparents,
hazel, mable, thurlow and garl.

Friday, January 14, 2022


the old stand-by

I got naked
and began
to fill out
all of the
ous loom
ing deadlines.

I could
said un

But I like
to think of
myself as
a bit of a

Thursday, January 13, 2022


weird out

stuck to
her schedule.

Like, religiously.

So when she
bumped into a
bulldozer that
was slathered
with super-glue . . .

Wednesday, January 12, 2022


ball-peened hen

what’s the use,
oh, holy goose,
of being spit

like hunks of
meat? oh,

squawky son,
did you just
bump heads

with a bus?
i mean, come
on, what else

could be
quite this
much fun?

and yum,
that fancy
truss of

sinew that
so roils upon
the fiery stones

was taken
from such

bounty! but
would you
rather such


just go up
in flames
or (how not

to salivate
but drown
ingly?) down

the hatch?
or both, of

and right
you are,


ever and
as always,

the next



broken spirit

cannot splint
nor even stent
what comes rent
through the sphincter

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


What About Me Is Wrong?

just jerk
your neck
in the opp
osing dire
ction. that’s it.

but that’s never it.
because it never
ends (“one plus one
is ... two plus two equals
...”). “never say never,

honey.” but you just
did. twice. don’t look
at me, johnny!
who, me? the one who
isn’t dancing? etc.

i just. i just. i just.
idiot. idiot. idiot.
zzhhh. zzhhh. zzhhh.
breathe. belt the blues.
your signature goes here.

(“what are you
looking at?”)
out goes every
thing as the
ink rolls.


Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me

          Trillions of reasons to love the heathen.

                                         —Frank McGuinness

(living proof:

I’ve hung a portrait,
a copy of one of the
dozens of photos
you’ve sent, inside
a black wooden
frame, on the wall
next to my bed
about three feet
above where my
right arm generally
lies for most of the
night as I sleep,
sometimes jerking
or twitching a bit,
no doubt, but I
suppose mostly
it lies stock still,
crooked at an
open angle,
almost akimbo
in relation to
the rest of me—)

During the day,
or in the middle
of night when my
room is lit, each
dimple seems to
reflect it back,
the light, each
color of the
spectrum, in
fact, directly
at me, whether
I’m sitting in
bed, at my
desk, cooking
a bit of break
fast, or washing
the last of the
dishes. But at
night, your pre
sence, your
mercury pools,
are eyes that
don’t dim, but
glow in the dark,
are the source of
beams that aim
directly at me
from contours
that seem
severe and re
laxed (chill as
a basset hound
collapsed into
a heap, one
eye half-open,
on a cool porch
on an August
morning), as I
lie in my broken-
down bed. And
as well, the
gleaming line
atop your
bottom lip—
your lips,
at each end
by dimply
and it’s as dark
as this room gets,
but I can still see
the backs of my
hands, the tip of
my nose, thanks
to you, askance
on the wall,
as always,
tucked into
a frame that
can barely fit
your silhouette
that glows like
a lighthouse
at the end of
a long, misty
the mind’s
eye, at
time you
day or


a penny forward

the scrawny birds in
the twiggy nest seem
to have no sense of
balance, each is near
constantly bashing up
against the coarse nest.
not to be stopped, once
one succumbs to a
collision, falls in a
heap among the
perilous architec
ture, the wobbly
little bird is back up
in a second, head
up, mouth agape,
thrust toward the
sky, with such
unscathed and
indelible trust.

Friday, January 07, 2022


i’d rather not remember

the meanest of all of the
what ifs. trying not to

say it much, it can’t be
unsaid. can it? “did

you find anything that
fit?” “the description?”

he sort of says with a
contorted tongue. “it’s

because he’s eaten,”
mouthed as if eating

the words he sort of
says. no colleague,

he. spies hymnal
drying under the

sun, splayed down
(spine up) in church

parking lot. “do you?”
“huh?” “park here

a lot?” gulps and half
swallowed clucks

erupt (can hurt,
being so heard)

from both sides
of the fence. “told

ya that you’d never
find me here again,”

the set of lips are
getting too close to

the barbed wire, to
the barbs, he’s think

ing; he’s piling wish
upon wish of un-

or dis-remem
brance. slow to

unclothe, he throws
his backpack off...

(slow-throws it) ... un
zips it, takes stanwyck’s

biography out, ass
uming she’s been

gone long enough –
but even the barbs

have barbs. he
should have gone

for streisand,
knows that now,

or mrs. bush, he
schemes, lop

sided bird on
top of the palm

of his brained
(the one with

which he br
ains) hand.


getting reality right

all i need is a new way
to look at the door,
anticipating nothing;

a way to live without
money, any money
at all, for three

whole months; a
meeting that isn’t
an obvious step

backwards; a
giant hill or
concrete set

of stairs upon
which to walk
backwards up;

a fresh way to
think about the
rubber chicken

with the egg
(sunny-side up)
wrapped around its

rubber throat, its
rubber legs twisted
through the water

pipes (one hot,
one cold) on top
of the closet that

has what still
seems (to you)
like a new and

shimmery jagged-
patterned curtain
that keeps just

anyone (only me)
from looking inside
it, the closet, that is,

with its north wall
facing me now in
seeming christmas

still with a few days
nevertheless of the

twelve days of
christmas in
a not-so-

hopeful year
in which every
one seems already

to be hoping for
new year’s next,
exhausted already

by all of the
prospects dancing
all around us (me

and the disappoint
ments, the artifacts,
also dancing); the

sunglasses hanging
from the triangular
purse, that hangs,

in turn, once again,
from the wall next
to the boring door;

another wall facing
the cooler climes
of the north, which,

this year and the
last several have
been impossible

to disappear into,
due to the walls
facing south which

keep us in place,
and like all of the
walls, face inward,

face the desk,
the bed and
the sink, each,

like the chest
of drawers which
stands in the middle,

a miniature version
of it all, broken
or decaying in

various degrees;
oh, city of slow-
pokes, reframed

and melting cal
endar, each month
of which drips to

the floor, and,
inevitably, onto
the wax mantle

of what remains
of earth, outside,
once a sculpted

promise that fell
from a fledgling
sky upon our flesh.

Wednesday, January 05, 2022


damaged goods

i just discovered
the postcard that
came with the book

i found it crumpled
all up in a paper bin

no wonder i had 
been so confused

now the whole
glaring universe

makes sense – a
one and a two and a

Tuesday, January 04, 2022


he gets



hope in

if today
i some
how acc
so many
. . . .

Saturday, January 01, 2022


Happy New Year (with heart on sleeve; and practicality)

     But we’re not here to yuck anyone’s yum...

        —Scottie Andrew and Leah Asmelash, CNN, in
           “The pop culture moments of 2021 we couldn’t forget if we tried”

Even this,
nearly more
than I can muster. May tomorrow be better.