Saturday, December 31, 2022


The Poisoned Aphrodisiac

breakfast seemed to come
earlier and earlier. the
bed would barely be warm
again from their curled
bodies. the four cabin-mates
had been the best of friends
for some three decades now.
there was the writer of music,
composing a symphony in front
of the fireplace, who now placed
upon her large page a small fermata.
there was the daughter of the man
who’d made millions in the candy
business. she was sunk deep into
the sofa snoozing. there was the
stockbroker who’d been pilfering
through his luggage looking for
the most appropriate pair of
socks. and then there was me,
the troubadour, a relative unknown,
so devoted to the writer of music
that he’d spend the last of his
days in obscurity, dipping his
pen into the light fantastic,
corralling words in clumps
throughout even the most
symphonic of her pieces.

the poisoned aphrodisiac


Sleigh Bells Ring

they settled in for the
evening in a hotel not
far from donner’s pass.

the gruesome stories
had enchanted the kids,
whetted their appetites,

so to speak. war hurts.
none of them had asked
for this adventure. al and

miranda, faced with the
prospect of an explosion,
or worse, slipped the bed

covers over their midriffs
and attempted to pass
out. the distant choo-

choos of a train could
be discerned. between
it and them was a distance

of calm, of buffered perils.
al shifted a bit in bed as
miranda held her breath.

sleigh bells ring


The Honesty Policy

he’d woken up with a lot of
hair in his mouth. perhaps
somewhere this was a good
omen, but if so, that some
where was not to be found.
he spit it out, kept picking
at his tongue with a grimace.
the meal of the day would be
served at two in the afternoon.
there was time. but not a sub
stantial amount of it.
and for what?

the honesty policy


Electrical Miscalculations

there were several electrical
miscalculations. we counted
at least eight. until the lights
flickered again mid-afternoon.
since this was a holy day, most
of us had checked out. undressed,
a lack of distress. gleaming, the
parade held no witnesses. no
mistresses. only christmases.

electrical miscalculations

Wednesday, December 28, 2022


Insufferable Meanderings

          Sufragette City
               —David Bowie

we called the electoral
college urging surges.

they responded, sent
us several thousand

scourge protectors.
the booth was filled

with inapproriate
mechanisms. the

line in which we
stood for a few

minutes in order
to get there

was a metaphor
for malapropism.

demand the truth


Houdini’s Ghost

these thoughts that are but
mine are like a signature, i

now surmise, or a finger
print. or maybe they are,

wholly, if they could be
gathered, put together,

at least mathematically,
theoretically, if not (can

i even say?) physically,
moreso than what is

muscular, skeletal
or corpuscular,

the stuff that is me.
so here i am, not

what you can literally
see, not the brilliantly

designed yet flawed
and puncturable organic

conglomeration that any
one might automatically,

with me, of me, associate.
but this assemblage of

thoughts, this relatively
miniscule pile of notions

and desires, this hodge
podge of fears that

have accrued in ways
pavlovian or else in ways

meandering and illogical,
this swirling admixture

which also includes the
residue of dreams and

whatever else might fit
within the limitations of

memory, are these not
more of who or what i

am than any clump or
chunk that might be

jabbed or grabbed
at, punctured or

bruised? just this
evolving jumbled set

of thoughts that are
more apparitional

than physical or
visual, and so

less quantifiable
or at least

impossible to
gather—this is

who i am, is
what i, immortally,

may yet
continue for

at least some
dissipating length

of time
to be.

Houdini's Ghost

Sunday, December 25, 2022


Decisions, Decisions

Never judge a book by its cover.
Always look ’em straight in the eye.
Unmask the villain at the end of each episode.
Get a life.
Hell hath no fury like a human scorned. Huh?
Tie a yellow ribbon round the ole oak tree.
Yes, we have no bananas.

Over my dead body.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Not on my watch.
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
Call me maybe.
Everybody needs somebody, sometimes.

Decisions, Decisions


Leo & Joel Go Underwear for Their 25th

You have to hand it to Joel, he knows how to throw an
Underwear party. So when he and
Leo decided they were going to celebrate their 25th by inviting
Every single one of their friends and colleagues (and they have
Tons, trust me!) to an underwear party at their massive estate,
It was the talk of Tripplehorn.  And has been ever since.  
Did I get an invitation? Did Janey Mae? Did Ed Bach, of
Ed’s Conservative Gentlemen’s Clothier? The answer: we’ll each
     be shopping for some quirky undies very soon.  And I, for
     one, am looking forward to the naughty party of the year!

muscled, mustachio'd & tatted: me in my undies


 Orange Is So Autumnal

 Orange is so autumnal, but it’s
 Half a month ’til

 Christmas. So, when I told
 Harold that
 Reginald wasn’t coming to dinner that night,
 I swear! You’d think
Superman forgot to comb his hair. Or
 The butler did it. It’s a
 Menacing day,
 Said Santa.

 Tut, tut!  And whatnot.
(Reginald was having none of it!)
Eat your friggin’ eggs, Harold! And toss me that
 Extra biscuit!

Orange is so autumnal


 Endless Goo

 Goo! “Excuse me?”
 Good grief!

Not gonna do it this time,
 Otis!” But
 Gerald, where the hell’s the rum?

Endless goo!

Saturday, December 24, 2022


Paws to Prey

we pause to pray. the
entire world holy. like
sex with our socks on 
we wholly pause. a 
wooly habit (the nun 
was itchy, i itch! the nun 
said itchily). holy. the whole
room, a bedroom, their
studio, a micro-apart
ment, pawsed. we’ll
pause when we feel like
we all said. then our
home took off, the pads
of its paws pounding the
pavement for several par
secs. the red socks, a
set, had bed sects with
the human individual
who’d been most deli
berately chosen to del
iver the pizza. that deliv
erer certainly is a liver!

a life-filtered lifter of
lots of pizza. pizza that,
when delivered, gets tips
with no bills, mostly by
tops, gets topped as a
tip, the pizza deliverer,
who, fresh from the doc
tor, was just diagnosed
with cirrhosis of (guess
what?) the liver. what
a life that deliverer had
had, a has-been not ex
pected to last much long
er. longingly, the room,
living the livelong life of
a micro-apartment, thirst
ily pauses at a dog bowl that
is only somewhat moist. the
bowl without water has con
tents that soon get slathered
on dog-tongue, get tongued
by a studio whose inhabitant
is primate, no longer 54. that
makes 55 says the googly-
eyed go-go dancer who’ll
soon get paid to dance on
the laps of pricks; on the
pricks in some laps. he
also slam-dances a conga
in tonga with some regular
ity. a tall narrow drum
that is splayed on the
floor is slapped with
some hands. this is
how the go-go dances.
with his hands he did
dance. and he does,
only now and then
donning a brief pair
of aquamarine-col
ored underpants.
boy, does he dance
as the studio bounces
both this way and that.
and other ways, too.
for it has found you
(who might just be
me), who, of him,
is quite fond. but
let’s make this more
of a mystery, shall we,
for the sake of pretend
anonymity? our home
that now so swiftly pedals
its way toward something 
that no one is sure of might 
once have been a tiny 
apartment. and
what might a small
apartment want,
what might goad one
in any particular direction?
picture frames and perhaps
a refrigerator. but when the
coffin-sized home is the pad
of yours truly? once it arrives
at wherever it’s going, it throws
up a top-tipped dancer from tonga
it had swallowed with only a couple
of chomps, ‘chomp-chomp’ and the
dancer was gone until he was vomited
from home. he was gone, he was
home, he is home when he’s gone,
he was spewed from our home
and we look at that once-
swallowed dancer from tonga
for days (while we’re dancing
the conga, of course). but that
poor, wretched liver that wretched
deliverer of pizza, now finds himself
lost and quite homeless yet tipped
to extremes and then topped ex
tremely by the tips of the pricks
of some lovers of pizza. the dancer,
he felt that he could not have feelings,
the pizza deliverer felt unfelt. which
was all quite suspicious considering
the evening
s odd sequence of sick
events. and the sycophants were
witness, they felt this guy’s radical
metamorphosis, from considerate
courier of circular meals to
motional gogo, dancer of conga,
to tippled taker of tops for tips
by such pricks, to becoming a
twice-chomped meal for a
home until, finally, resuscitation
by regurgitation, getting a life
that had mostly been taken
but this time without life’s
most significant sensation,
that characteristic which
we call feelings were now
missing. and spectacularly,
for he had been eaten, you
see, by the home of yours
truly. and, oh, what a mini
scule house this one is.
gestation’s a bitch, it could
be said, is this story’s
amoral moral. but,
really, who’d say it?
and why and to whom?
why, the answer’s yours
truly, by all means, of
course! who’ll, so as to
have this historical house-
spinning one-storied yarn
best savored, will save
the rest of it for later, if
you catch my drift. do
you know what i mean?

i can't take my tongue off of you

Friday, December 23, 2022


The Sublimity of Slimy Ochre

they’re fine with rhymes
down at the five and dime.

were it not for sally’s opus,
charley would not be on

the bus with the rest of the
band looking for an excuse

to glaze his hand over hers.
but both of sally’s hands are

in her purse. that’s my curse,
thinks charley, unafraid as he

is to march in the football grass
pretending like his sorry ass can

toot sweet music from a tuba.
he’d heard that kissing brass in

marching band was his best
ticket to kissing actual lips. 

that’s what first led the poor guy 
to spend half the next several

summers wearing a tuba while
the band choreographer, barely

out of high school himself, had
him high-stepping and marching

for hours on end saying go
this way!
 and no, that way!

until he swore with the
sweat dripping down his

lids and onto his perfectly
puckered embouchure that

a heatstroke was the next
thing on the agenda. but

the tuba, it turns out, is as
heavy as the dumbbells and

barbells that the quarter
backs attack every after

noon at the school’s stinky
gymnasium, and before

he (or anyone else) knew
it, charley had slimmed

down, buffed out, and
caught about as many

stares and glares from
all the school-gals (and

a fair share of its guys) at
skilly high as, say, ed durk,

the linebacker who was
also the senior class pres

ident, who was all but a
shoe-in for prom king and

valedictorian, or so had 
the word that circulated 

up and down the skilly ru
mor mill. but charley

seemed completely un
aware, even still, so he

had no idea that both
hands in purses, when

it comes to band crushes,
meant nothing but a bit of

teenage nerves. serves
you right!
said sally

o’malley to charley
mcfarley as the bus

chugged along route
218 and the driver, as

always, hit every cotton-
picking bump. did what!?

was all charley could dumb
foundedly exclaim, in a way

that sounded like both
a question and a curse.

oh, hush! sally rallied
suddenly sounding a bit

more like sally, with a
timbre for which poor

charley would not have
been able to find an app

ropriate word, but it fell
somewhere between sultry

and silly, a bit inundated
with notes up and down

a rather wide register.  and
with that, sally 

took one hand, in no way
reluctantly, from her purse

(leaving the other hand in
there for good measure)

and reached her arm over
enough so that she could

clasp her warm and wet
palm around charley’s

knuckles, at least as far
as they could go. which

wasn’t far. and charley,
unable to either think or

blink, turned the brightest
body-wide shade of red

that a second generation
dubliner with freckle-cov

ered skin could seemingly
physically get. it glowed,

the truth be told, and
his mind was so full of

a burgeoning glory that,
for him, heaven itself

would never again
sound anywhere near

as good as it should.
it was later that night,

after the game and
once he got home,

before he noticed
the yellow-gold

glittery stuff that was
stuck like goo to the

tops of those teenage
knuckles that sally had

so electrically grasped.
that’s of course when he

noticed the glittery goo
was the very same shade

of make-up that sally’d
religiously slather all

over her face. but
do you think he

was worried a
wink over his

newly jaundiced
knuckles? why,

he didn’t even wash
that hand before hitting

the hay for the night.
to dream all sorts of

sun-colored dreams
while sleeping in

giddy fits and starts.
and when charley

finally awoke the
next morning, even

it being a saturday
and all, he didn’t

sleep one minute longer
thank he would have

had it been a monday.
he sat straight up in his

bed and looked out be
fore him at a world he

could not even recognize.
in fact, what he saw was

not what was physically
there but instead the words

to describe his brand new
perspective might include

such lexemes as purpose
and future and clarity and

more than a glimmer of
confidence which, well,

was never a word one
had previously associated

with our boy charley,
for he was awake, yes,

aware and alert. what
ever the day before

yesterday was would
never be seen again. he

might even have deep
down known this innately

but like much else wouldn’t
begin to know how to say it.

he slipped his feet down
to the floor all aswoon and

got washed up and dressed
with newfound intent. and

when he walked out the door
into the sunlight he felt as if

he could just reach to the sky
and touch the sun or the moon,

and, i tell you, thereafter,
he probably did every

once in a while. that’s
just how profound the

indelible change that took
hold of charley mcfarley,

just from the clutch of a sweaty-
palmed hand so caked in a goopy

gold-colored make-up it stayed
glued atop his buzzing knuckles

for round about forty-five
minutes one way and

just about forty-five minutes
the other. that’s to and from

the football game and
three seats from the back

of the band bus last
night. there was no way

of going back to who he
had been before. and

that satisfied his entire
being, his very existence.

so if, by chance, you knew
him before, you should by all

means see him today. there
are some things we do and

some things that are done to 
us  that might cause us to 

irrevocably change, for sure. 
but i wonder just how many

things i can say that have
happened to you or to me;

things so unexpected in life
that cause us to have such

a jolt, a magnificence, that
in fact there is just no way

that we could ever go back
to being that person—or

that lack of a person—which
only the day before we were.

i’d venture to say that
such moments are rare,

the things that propel us
from what we are presently

out into the glowing and
open receptacle of there,

of the future, if a future
indeed is in the cards, if

there happens to be a to
morrow in which we might

with some luck wind up.
so here’s to that human

you never expected to be,
but somehow hoped that

you’d nonetheless one 
day awaken to find. here’s

to more moments like
charley’s. may they greet

us with frequency. and may
we all be better for meeting

such milestones headlong and
with open hearts and minds.

the band bus


Stuck on Oklahoma

this one’s easy, or
should be, i’m a
familiar. like,
hang on, i know
this one. the tulsa
dispenser doesn’t
automatically send
a padgett or a brain
ard through the wilds
of kansas and ohio into
new york city, but when
it does, i feel you ron, i
feel you joe, as back to
your respective families
you go come christmas
or hopefully not the 4th
of july. but unless you’re
hooking bass on a boat
somewhere mid-tenkiller,
arkansas is prettier. or at
least the river valley ’tween
the ozarks and the ouachitas.
so maybe we’re even, a quad
rant for a quadrant, let’s say?
even as the derricks send a
storm of dirt out into an
early dusk that’s some
how arid and oily at
the same time—it’s
not a haven for teen
agers. hey, you poets
of ponca city, let’s
put the world on
hold, just for a
little bit longer,
what say you?
first we’ll head
to tulsa, five
years pre
meet ted
at the uni
versity. or
that was the
plan, wasn’t it?
hey guys, come
on down to fort
smith, won’t ya?
is just what i said
half a decade before
being born. i’m
just standing here
stuck in a big pile
of manure waiting
for youth to catch
up with me. but
nobody heard me.
when tulsa finally
arrived it was
through the
windshield of
papaw’s second-
hand cherokee
pick-up (which
was white but
for a maroon
stripe, or vice
versa, i cannot
be certain). but
when i emerged
from that jeep
it was too late.
sadness so perm
eated the trek on I-40
from alma and across
the border, and on
and on until well
after we took that
right turn up through
muskogee, that i blew
out my very own trail
of tears. because at that
age i was nothing but
an angsty greenhorn
with nothing better to
do but brood over my
own stupid self. yet i
claim to be a late
bloomer? well, i
turned thirty in the
poetry section of the
library of none other
than the massachusetts
institute of technology,
where i caught up with
ron, joe, ted, and all of
the rest of the gang.
stepping every weekday
through the hallowed halls
of engineers, this here all
grown up queer. so, yes, ever
so slightly i grew into my boots,
got myself educated. it didn’t
take much else than that,
and maybe a half a dozen
or so group hugs by the best
linebackers and quarterbacks
in the word business. you get
squeezed by a poet and, well,
something irreversibly changes,
at least in me. though it’s no joke
that the biggest chunk of me is still
that podunk kiddo. this i say to you
sixty years after i was born five years
premature. and those, my friends, are
just a few of my made to order mem
ories of being a good neighbor. so,
as for me and my bookshelf full
of pals from oklahoma and the
ones from the universe with
which they hung, where else
to go with it but on such an
endless repeat (and i do not
mean hung from judge isaac’s
barrows, nope, that will not be,
for this story’s entirely too sweet.)
once again, loop it back and repeat.



Sauna in Oman

‘but bring truckloads of
ice,’ he tells me. and i
am thinking that we are
so hot already that once
we meet the sultan we
might just explode.
he has other things
in mind. like drinking
muscat in muscat whilst
steaming from midnight
sauna to,,,where would
we go after that? ‘just
make sure you
sneak in the
wine,’ he
into my
neck with
such a hot
sound the
word ‘wine’
wriggles into
my inner ear
and then my
brain’s on
fire, ready
to be yanked
into whatever
tempest his
blistering palms
slap and tug
me into next.

so hot a tiger could melt

Thursday, December 22, 2022


Sausage in the Oven

like heaven, is another form of
self-preservation, unlike a bun

in one, in many ways, although
that, too, is a way to preserve

oneself. but that’s not what i
mean to talk about here. for

i’m talking sausages. and i don’t
even have an oven. at least not

one that isn’t a microwave, that is,
so i just lied, i suppose, but who

puts a sausage in a microwave?
unless it’s all tightly wrapped with

additional goodies inside of a
burrito. or something like that,

picked up from the corner store’s
tiny freezer section. what goodies

are held frozen in that midst? a
fine example of an oven’s oppo

site is a freezer, wouldn’t you
say (as i just did)? how about

aloud (it’s allowed). all togeth
er now, everyone! everyone?

“a fine example of an oven’s
opposite is a freezer.” a much

better way to quench one’s
thirst, however, is by way

of a refrigerator. other
wise called a fridge or an

ice box. okay, addendum:
so far, we’ve discussed

microwave and convection
ovens, refrigerators and

freezers. next time, let’s
say, we work ourselves

up to the stove. but be
careful with things that

can either burn you
or freeze you. or

suffocate you
plumb to death.

Burn it!

Wednesday, December 21, 2022



     WE 1987 WE 1969

        —Vanessa Huang

today i am distracted by
what would, under (let’s
call them) normal circum
stances be a minor disturb

ance, a blip, something quite
easily fixed. an obstacle the
obliteration of such is like
flipping a magical switch and

KABOOM! it is gone. a flick that
removes all too much life when
the general circumstances—as they
were, as they might have been—have

sunk. and that’s when somebody says
that they’ve (with a whew!?) finally
hit rock-bottom, it is as if they drove
their own self there with some sort of

gotta get there deliberation, with
intent, so as to, what, rise above it?
nope, no way, i say. when one has been
dealt a particular hand, when i have....

when i was dealt a particular hand,
i found myself in a circumstance so
abnormal, so unfamiliar...when i look
around and there is no one—NO ONE—

to get me out of it, and, my means
(mental, physical, most often financial,
or whatever) are not those which i have
become accustomed over a life, a half-

decade of life (which finds me with,
significant, a living that’s dwindling
already, as in there’s not time to
dawdle with one more obstacle, but)....

when i realize that a problem that
would have been essentially solved
with the snap of a finger now might
take a year or two just to get around

or over. oh how to disintegrate it so that i
might find myself moving forward (forward?)?
well, i suppose that in most cases i will
determinedly, confusedly and deliberately

make my way past that obstacle, will
solve the goddamned problem and move
in the direction i keep seeing as ahead,
toward the better, which becomes such

a muddle to contemplate, this determining
has so much time and yet no energy or mind
to do anything except just do the work required
to blow up whatever is keeping me from getting

there. wherever there is. and wherever that
where is, in my mind it’s always to a place where
all of this extra time that is required in getting rid
of whatever keeps me from getting there shortens

back into the moment it takes to, say, snap a finger
or wriggle my mouth or my nose, or nod my head like
jeanne or samantha, or tap my feet together and
whisper there’s no place like home. or look to my

right or left, or shout the name of the person in the
room next to me in a little pretend cry for help. but
that sounds like fiction now, something i dreamed
up to bide the time it takes to get through with such

work that my entire being is a machine that is out of
oil, needs a heart, is incessantly trying to drum up
some courage (but from where?) and the motivation
to get beyond whatever it is that is in my past. my path

to wherever it is that is familiar, that is life, so that
when i wake up, there everyone is, that loving pan
orama of support, each babbling head is telling me that
from what i awaken is just a bad dream. just a bad dream?

life begins again, right? so much life that the dream
that seemed to last forever was just an anomaly that,
with distance (created by time, by real life), becomes
smaller and smaller until it is not but a blip, otherwise

known as the brunt of my education, perhaps? or my
final exam? it’s too soon to know? but, sure, a cocoon,
so to speak, wherein i hibernate for so long that i break
through refreshed and yet ravenous. oh, to be back among

the living. who would not, when one is lost....? back to the
joys of the living, yes, that’s what’s for me. or will be. soon.
living and learning and wacky adventure. family and friends.
yes, sir! i do hope that everyone’s already here, already

gathered around me for when i awaken. because, yes,
i shall be doing that soon: awakening. but was it a
beautiful dream? or was it not? and were you not
there? and were you? and were you? and what about

you? i can barely see as i open my eyes. you are there, but
exactly who’s you? thankfully, these things will come back
to me soon, in a windfall, of course. and all of these memories
fuzz up the terror. so much so that i just thought i had an

adventure. but wasn’t it only a dream? i made some imagined
friends on a long and fantastical journey. memories make me
happy. but these ones are fading so horribly fast. they fade into a
reality with which i collide. at last i’m so ready for it to arrive.

daydream daydream new people new people

Sunday, December 18, 2022


Meatballs Can Wait

like heaven, or the
postman who never
rings more than once.

once can be enough,
though. i mean, there
are circumstances. these

aren’t those, though, are
they? i certainly hope
not. but even with this

grumbly tummy, i don’t
mind riding on the edge
of this eternal hunger

for at least as long as 
you can stand it.

a hungry pal


Building Access

you’re a card, paper.
a paper card. here’s
your paper card, carl.
cool. cool. i think i
love you, miss facil
ities request system.
in voices more hum
an than computer, i
swear, and with en
ough oomph to erect
a skyscraper on a cold
and chilly month of
mondays, i hear an
earnest emotion-
laden loop of ‘the
feeling. the feeling.
the feeling’s not in
the least. this feeling
is not mutual. no,
not in the least.’
thank you, miss
facilities request
system. with love
and with gobs of
smoochies, too!

help yousef recover del


December Dares
And Other Upside
Down Shenanigans

what comes after a nutty
nothing of a barren nov
ember? what else but the
dares of december, of
course. ‘query ginger for
the general coordinates of
larry’s au courant cafe’ is
what it says right here, for
example. followed by
‘respond’ or, it could be
‘rampage’ ‘michelle’
‘again and again.’
such scribbles were
made assuredly by
this gimpy hand
before me, but the
gibberish i can all
but decipher sounds
a lot more bonnie and
clyde than, say, mojo joe.
at any rate, who could
possibly determine
whatever it is that
with this scratchy
mess of blurred words 
i might have meant?
the head that’s con
nected to this horse’s
mouth can certainly
not recall. but i do
so remember how
hellbent i was on
a goal of staring
at the ‘zeros of
blue cross and
blue shield.’ how
could i forget? for
that was my home
of employment for
less than two weeks
that i lost by way of
slam-dancing my way
through the hellish de
mands that were made
at me so that i might snag
a regular, albeit miniscule,
home sweet home of my own.
this after not having one in the
solid for twenty-four months.
this is a memory that reminds
me to pick up some tums on
the way out (i would have to
beg, borrow or steal some, so
this is just fantasy at the mo
ment), so that, also, i might 
nab a bit of rare fresh air, rather 
than stare airless at the walls
of this coffin-sized home i (fairly?
unfairly?) exchanged for that short
job some forty-six months (or so)
ago. before i’m left with nothing
but gasps, i might as well close
the door on this particular ditty...
since a cursory glance at the rest
of the notes on this time-worn
page of handwritten end-of-year
goals insists that i ‘pickle’ some
‘office supplies’ to the tune of
nearly five thousand dollars
while also apparently ‘check
ing’ my ‘melons’ (which must
mean—in jest, or at least i do
hope—that i was to gawk at
all of the zeros in my checking
account?) while i ‘float glibly’
through the limbo of another
‘mundane monday.’ ‘hash
tag trucking,’ or it could
just be ‘talking’ – but
at what or to whom?
as this note was
scribbled well
before my roomies,
whom i call gener
ically (not sure as to
whether i mean that
much offense), conrad,
calliope and their crew
(by which i might as well
say army) of cacophonous
kiddos. whoever they are, 
they are, quite definitively,
cockroaches, one and all, so
there literally exist any numb
er of reasons to reach the begin
ning of winter after such a long
fall. ‘to the death, dear monsieur?’
my good pal conrad rasps (and
with such a detectable emphasis
on sewer, i swear!). ‘mon dieu!
these scrolls of ridiculous goals
will be the death of me, yet!’
i reply as i tuck myself in for
the morning as bass-ackwards
as one might atop a cold and
disparaging december day.
and as i do, i slip with some
ease down into an upside
down dream of doing a
zero gravity two-step
upon my coffin’s ceiling.
that nondescript surface
that seemed but unreachable
moments ago as my dog-tired
eyelids slide silently over my over
worn peepholes. zzz. and zzzzz.




     Dear Memory Warrior,

                   —Vanessa Huang

written at the end of a longwinded
idea for a great party game which
had something to do with the i re
member poems of joe brainard:
‘take notes. write a poetic/or other
wise response.’ yes, i’m looking
over a motley assortment of notes
again. from weeks, months and
years past. an exercise that might
just as easily hurt a fragile memory
such as the one laid bare within the
husk that holds mine, an exterior
that’s beginning to awkwardly
digress downward from an
apex that was its purported
middle ages. this digression,
like my meanderings, say,
during a job interview via
zoom, putts and sputters
as it picks up speed as
things do (like snow
balls) rolling down
hills after such an
exhausting and
eternal near-
infernal in
cline. so,
for now,
i’ll catch
a breath or
two, rather
than embrace,
say, a no-longer-
quite-so-early death.
i’m game if you are.

apex reflex

Friday, December 16, 2022


Ice Cream at Midnight

it seems i’ve waited an
eternity for the splurge, but
i know that directly at mid
night ninety-five dollars

will hit my snap account.
that’s foodstamps, for any
of you that are uninitiated.
i sure hope i have the date

correct. it was maybe only
a couple of months ago that
i watched the larger amount
go into the account right at the

stroke of twelve, making a note of it,
just to be sure. but what flavor will it be?

Ice Cream at Midnight


Humble Crumble

sometimes i think the saying
when it comes to so-and-so,
he broke the mold was an
aphorism especially for me.

and then i laugh a cocky
laugh knowing i mean
nothing to the mold,
having nothing to do
with any aphorisms,

and am not even
recognized as a
much less

an anybody. do i stretch this
thought out like so? yes. i do.



Some Sins We Keep A Secret Are Just Silly

i believe that most all of us have at least one thing,
if not several, that we think of, for whatever odd
or reasonable reasons we might, as our deepest,
darkest secret(s). and of those self-styled never-
tells, we most all of us probably spend the best
portion of our days making sure (as best as we
possibly can, that is) that nary an additional soul,
so far as it is within our grasp of control, will ever
know this deeply hidden stuff. my guess is, though,
that most of these secrets are hardly sinister, if even
in the least; in fact, they’d no doubt more rightly
be dubbed our deepest, darkest embarrassments.

“if i tell you this, you must promise never to tell
another soul. you must swear it!” and it turns
out to be such a ridiculously silly thing. like i
once kissed so and so at the prom, but we were
both on dates with other people. what a doozy,
right? perhaps i should not poke fun, lest you
think i am being serious. another one might be
i threw a rock at the kid on the monkey bars who
wound up with a broken shin because of it, and
that furthermore some other kid got blamed for
the injurious act of schoolyard bullying. if there
were a metric system for sinister, most folks’
atrocious moments would be rather miniscule
on said scale. sure, everything is relative, and
each secret would be in its own unique spot on
the vector, such that there would be things that
caused individuals such a lifetime of consternation
and yet that issue or problem might live at the very
low end of this scale. so paltry the cause of so much
anxiety that i just want to shake it out of whomever
and yell into his or her eyeballs 'JUST LIVE YOUR
LIFE HAPPY!' as they have certainly spent an
absurd amount of life worrying over what i
would, and with ease, call a bunch of hooey;
loads and loads of nothing. of course, as one
might climb that vector higher and yet higher
one might then start to encounter some things
that even i myself might find distasteful. i mean,
first, of course, there would be such iniquities as
white lies. later up one might find running over
a neighbors poor pug with your parents' ltd landau.

let me state right here and now that i would put
a fairly stout condition of objectivity onto said
scale. as this exercise is elucidating, or at least i
would assume it is, one person’s heinous is yet
another’s laughing matter. but onward up the
scale one would surely find such things as
infidelity, for example. and that would in all
ways that logic might have one traveling that vector 
quite a distance before reaching somewhere at the apex,
if not very near it, with, say, murder. are you with me so far?

but we’re not all murderers and hardcore thieves, are
we? as one example that comes to my mind, most
of us, when it comes to commitment with other people,
i would venture to wager, are pretty loyal. wait, now that
i think on that notion a bit more, i believe i just flat-
out lied. or i led you on. prevarication. see, i am
accumulating things i should regret, or at least
consider immoral. am i right? i think that was me
projecting myself onto others just a wee bit, at least
once i put my brain to it a bit more. based on my own
personal experience, that is, but not much else. (in fact,
one could call of this assemblage of lines a ‘projection
collage,’ i suppose). i do err toward the belief that
most everyone in a committed relationship of any
sort has had at least a somewhat substantial
indiscretion, if not several, during their said
commitments, their relationships. but that’s just me. 
i do have my reasons for thinking so darkly. and i have
come to see that i’m quite the odd person out when it
comes to my own personal beliefs in such matters.
but then there’s the sticky issue of logic. certainly
just about anyone who ever knew me at all, and
for decades, would have the luxury of getting
a headache’s worth of my diatribe about this
belief, based of course on my logic: that sex,
commitment and love are wholly separate,
and that either of these, singly, do not need
any reliance upon, or have anything whatsoever
to do with the the the other two. each can exist
just fine singularly. and i would go on and on
about this, even relaying my own personal
examples of each possible scenarios. so, if
two or more individuals decide they want
to set off on a long-term thing, the only thing
they would need in order to make it something
intent upon lasting is commitment, which is
some sort of contract with each other.

those days have been gone for a while now. the
ones in which i would have anyone around me to
begin with, much less anyone who might tolerate
me going on and on about this or that. it is not
necessarily that my beliefs on the subject have
changed so much. it's just that i cannot be certain
anymore, if ever i even was, how to put such a
theory smoothly into practice. it all still makes
sense to me, though. but i have much to figure 
out about it all, given that i have not only lost
practice debating the matter, but it seems
like an eternity since i have had the luxury
or opportunity to put the theory into practice.
not that i would care to, necessarily. since for
now, at least, such ideas are all but senseless.

and while it has become terribly trite of me to
say, it appears that i have gotten sidetracked.
i started off on the subject of the silliness of
most of our most tucked away, hidden secrets.
and, indeed, how silly most surely must be, with
some rare exceptions. if, for example, fede’s
deepest secret is that he didn’t plant a row
of potatoes in the garden back when he was,
say, ten years old, and instead only planted
two rows (when it was vividly requested that 
he plant three. . .), and in your later years you
revealed that secret to me as if it were the
worst of all possible things, would that not
be silly? would i say, “wow, martha,
I think you should have tried a little
bit of infidelity, you know? just for
the experience, for what you might
learn from such a thing, perhaps for
the fun of it, even.”

then martha took her last breath.
although her eyes looked right up
at me as if i’d said something that
could possibly have killed her. i
look down now at her lifeless eyes
and say, “you’re really silly, martha.
you are such a silly human being.”
then I leave martha’s lifeless body
in the bed of her wonderfully furn
ished home and head out to a fancy
new sushi place that is the talk of
the town. because i have a date
with new hottie in town named
stan. and this is a plan that has
been solid for a few weeks now.

dear deer

Sunday, December 11, 2022


A Couple More Things About Marie

her first name, as it turns out,
was hazel. i know this because
my three siblings and i called her
grandma hazel. this, as i’m certain

i’ve mentioned to you before, was
a taunt that my father put us up to,
knowing she’d be very displeased.
and perhaps she was. but we’d never

have known it. i’d like to believe that
she rather enjoyed it as something unique,
perhaps even nostalgic. and perhaps she
did. oh, and the other fact: if she were

still around, my dear grandma hazel
would have been 105 years old today.

Hazel Marie with Thurlow B

Saturday, December 10, 2022


Some More Things About Marie

since she grew up in arkansas and
spent most of her adult life in detroit
she had a sort of a lazy midwestern
accent, which is pretty much an
oxymoron. on thanksgiving and
sometimes christmas and other
special family meals she often
made a dish i would otherwise
despise, but since it came from
her it was nothing but greatness:
sweet potatoes with syrup and
marshmallows. is it because i
am now a diabetic and that it
has been over thirty years since
we all sat down to one of her
meals together that i cannot
remember her signature
desserts quite so easily as
i obviously should? my
dad’s absolute must have
was, i believe, a banana
walnut double or triple
layer cake with white
frosting. and i do re
member those, and
as i think about it
more, it was truly
amazing to the
senses and i am
pretty sure it was
my favorite as well.
though there were to
certainly desserts too
numerous to taste all
of in one holiday, that
is also something i re
member. cornbread
was a household staple,
period. and of evening and/
or throughout the day there
would be the occasional solo
individual who just could not
get enough (which would be
anyone in that household after
a meal had been served) who’d
be eating cornbread with milk
poured over it with a long spoon
out of a tea glass. the mister to
marie, my grandfather, would do
this very shortly before he hit the
hay of an evening, but rather than
with regular milk, his cornbread
would be swimming in buttermilk.
may i take a moment to interject here,
for the sake of some attention, perhaps,
or a bit of pity, but no, never pity, maybe
more as a hint that will never even be seen,
much less acted upon by what remains of my
family, that these things are so vivid to me, i
am most certain, because i just made my way
through my 8th thanksgiving alone, and soon
will be encountering the 8th christmas i’ve had
in a row (just as with the 8 thanksgivings) wherein
i’ll be spending its duration without a soul other than
myself in my coffin-sized apartment? i must add that,
much to my elation, i received a care package from my
mom and sister last year shortly after christmas which
included all of the standard sweet fare from the family’s
christmas, and so therefore much of what was included were
sweetstuffs that filled me with such nostalgia it seems im
possible to imagine today, nearly a year ago later, as many
of the goodies were made with the same care by the same
hands using the same recipes as those from which i indulged
so greedily during my childhood and youth. now that i’m
hungry for things that i’m sure i can not find in order to
become sated for the rest of this evening and my stomach
has become grumbly for the very same reason, i believe
that’s where i’ll have to stop on this, my second short
list of things about marie in under a week. which, as
you can see, turned out to be just as much about me.


Tuesday, December 06, 2022


Finding the Most Appropriate Word or Phrase

either for accuracy or comparison. is not
something that comes easily for me. no, sir!

if i were thirsty and i managed a ‘go pump
me a spirit,’ would you come back with a

glass of water? avec gaz? i know i would.
or might. if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

the grouse that was woodsy has a hoody from
poughkeepsie, but the chirpy mouse has no idea

how to spell it, much less pronounce it. “just say
it, then.” he heard everyone say on his birthday.

he was prophetic like that. it wasn’t his fault, or
it could have been, but it was certainly not a thing

that he had asked for. “watch the door,” said the
bird in the morgue next to the fjord. once he knew

the glacier within which he’d finally find his glasses,
with his head askance he knew in a glance that with or

without such elaborate hall passes, his ass was grass
(and much the same size of at least half of texas).

he coughed as he laughed and he laughed as he
coughed while spending the evening in search of

the grouse, who it’s true, was his spouse. but hush
about that. such things cannot be undone (like the

fact that whenever he’d look back at this moment
the word that he found that he always was mouthing

in some sort of odd kind of motor memory would
now and always at such misbegotten times as these

be grouch. “i heard that,” said marvin arranging the
bed. “did he just say irving berlin had a thing for...”

and then all he’d hear from then on out was missus
. and so for the rest of the day, almost as though

punishment for having such a lousy memory, he’d put
the kibosh and quite lickety-split on his finding more words

that were rhyming (and shit). he calmed himself down
and looked under the newlywed’s bed for whatever it

was that was lost and as of yet unremembered. he
had no idea that it was something so unremarkable

that it’d never be remembered. it just never worked
like that. or had never before. but perhaps this was one

of those days that were spoken of as if omni-presently
just on the next bright horizon. the sky was not bright

but instead a dark purple. oh, well, he though dourly,
that’s just the way the cookie always must crumble.

he racked his mind, could it have been barwin,
perhaps? or charmin? or it could have been darwin?

but really he had no idea. and so right at the top
of the brain did thought from there on after keep

popping back up, it was so unattractive. but this
would not dawn on him until way later. for now

he knew only just that his gummy head couldn’t
possibly think, and for some considerable time

from the way things were feeling. there once was
a man from my parlor. all the phrases and words he

could think of that rhymed with parlor were: caller.
katie bar the door. palaver. and bar harbor. a place

that as he recalled (or was it if he recalled) was filled
filled with seamen on docks. “oh, it’s you my dear friend,

good grief, you numbskull, come stand on your tiptoes.”
and that’s when it suddenly came to him that it was

always and actually the doctor havarfor. so up he got
and and in two shakes he was out, and i’m more than

just certain that you will believe me when i add just
this one simple fact to this longwinded story: that

he’s never not once since then ever dropped by, i
mean zilcho from all the way back then to now.

calls for poetry to save the world

Monday, December 05, 2022


In Memory of Your Ass

unless i am terribly out of touch
and ineffective, that ought to be
a title that is near impossible not
to take to the next level by at least

clicking a link or sliding the eyes
lovingly down to the first few lines,
these, the ones i’ve written thus far,
which do not in any way live up to

the expectation of the title, at least
thus far, so therefore, by now, it has
(i have) lost the biggest brunt of
you, whoever you are, who caught

sight of the title in the first place.
which is maybe what i should con
centrate on above all else, should
my reasoning here be to nab as

many of you as i can with my
words, meaningless as they
might be in summary, and is
that really me, do you think?

am i but another empty idiot
trying to bust out of a droll
existence by ballooning likes
and eye-popping sex candy

a la social media, that verit
able devil, the enemy of the
universe these days, that add
iction that can’t be kicked,

and which no matter how
obvious its contrivances
at pretending free speech
by using a proliferation

of hate and ballooning
likes and eye-popping
sex candy to have us
all believing how our

freedoms are being
kept intact when in
fact we’re relearning
how to hate, bully and

be bullied, feel terribly
insecure, ineffective,
unworthy and down
right worthless like

we felt during that
supposed short-lived
but necessary phase
that we trudge through

at some point between when
we were toddlers and generally 
in memory of your ass.


Sunday, December 04, 2022


            sea a screams pinking
               —Vanessa Huang

it seems like there are
so many people for whom
the concept of pain is obviously
more tantalizing and alluring than
the (seemingly much more logical?
obvious? clear as a bell?) notion that
while it inevitably shows up at times,
it is something that should be avoided
at pretty much all costs. perhaps it would
be well advised that when the patient reaches
such a threshold, departing a life that reflexively
goes out of its way not to bump into it and instead
literally embraces the “pleasure” that could be had
with it, therefore in a focused and driven manner,
seeking it out on every horizon, running oneself
directly into it until one is consumed by it; i mean,
if, it’s even possible that there is such a threshold,
when it is crossed one should be directed to
reverse that demonic course post haste.
but i know how impossible it would be
to lure one back over to other side.

a one way trip to pain's pleasure

Saturday, December 03, 2022


Pre-Politically Correct Nostalgia

warmth. how many humans
and whatnot i am used to be
secrets i could give away as
gifts. hooray for back in the
day. when our hearts were con
stantly broken like mustangs
on the great frontier. now
we’ve implanted keys, we
break the code of universal
hammer until all our former
best friends’ toenails splinter
like shot slabs of cedar. the
barren lake before us ripples
like onions, the dominos our
great grandmothers taught us
how to play are about to fall
like boxed-up supersized
smart teevees aligned at
the entrance to a post-
apocalyptic target on a
black friday or a techno
cratic mon day or even
on a sadomasochistic
tuesday—you give, i
receive; then i give.
and we take it. for
this is the age of
pandemic flip-
flops. and just
look who’s on
top now. you
could fool
me forever.
you are,
do, for hot
hell's sake,
make it, and
make it quick!
holy flapjacks,
eartha, did
they ever!

no garbage clean data