The setting is the house where I grew up and the small pasture behind it. In this dream I am an “adult.”
Two big blond guys were in our pasture and “we” (I don’t know who else was with me, perhaps my brothers) were tasked with keeping them in the pasture, and not letting them escape. Sometimes this involved beating the men back from the fence with a long metallic pole (they were constantly trying to get thru the gate). Time passes, “we” are back in the house, and the blonds have managed to escape and have gotten into our house where they are trying to kill us. One of the guys slaps a videotape onto my back, which does nearly kill me. I stumble onto the front porch and notice Woody Allen, who has just departed the Dairy Diner (across the street) and is on his way to get into his car, which is parked on the street close to our driveway. So I stumble further out, onto the street, and desperately explain to Mr. Allen that someone is trying to kill me and my family. He laughs, apparently thinking I am telling a joke, and gets into his car and drives away.
Was with my family who was not my family and we were planning a vacation to some metropolitan area but instead the father decided that we should go to a park instead, where we floated around on some tires until we all decided it was not fun. So then we decided to go ahead to the metropolitan place, which was not Chicago, but that’s where we wound up, eventually talking to a group of folks who all seemed familiar (it turns out that there were only two people I actually knew: a friend from elementary school and my dorm-mate from my freshman year in undergrad). Wherever we were in Chicago, we could see the lake, and we each kept trying to remember the name of it. There were all sorts of amphibious vehicles being driven around. Then I was in a grocery store where some guy was leaning on me, then he tried to explain why he was leaning on me, but I wasn’t interested. He had 5 o’clock shadow and a green sweater.
Holy Batwings, Murder Girl, have I got a story for you! It’s twelve twelve and there goes a shooting star over Mount Dragonsnort. The summer milk in each dim bulb navies an otherwise sinister river, our iconic Creek Full of Broken Numbers. Odd men are out; they smatter the shore with balding languor. Suddenly, up in the sky, it’s Kaiju. He’s breathing a word-message: “Death not to the language making dizzy the angst-ridden mudders!” What it means to the clock on the landscape doesn’t stop the story from dancing. Zero grows feral, fills himself up on red pills and [daisies]. No matter the prattle, this dance allies with a gangly plot, pilfers all the loopy newsreels, parades through the city like a snake-plant atop a garbage- heap of iPods and cellphones. Nobody knows how to open.
Pain stops neither at the noon shine nor at the disparate Italian breakdowns. Graffiti pocks the nether-reaches of Ninja Kitty City; nightgowns on putative dog-lovers skirl around dear Martini-Man. He was only here to snap at Zero, so why the long face of a red bat draped over Owl Bird’s lone ornament? The true story plummets like a Valentine over your sour face (erstwhile lying in the gutter like freewheeling fiction). Evidence of each broken pigeon mounts like hail-dents on taxibots. Is it a forced evasion? This, only a mere flicker of the plot, and still no leads on Murder Girl. Falling into yet another true story I am only [jerking]. Our express bus has yet to arrive and these words collapse yet atop the garish clouds onto the sullen harpies because they are not super-intellectual. Ninja! Kitty! City!
30 years of leaving arkansas. that humid heat. for a cooler life through ohio, boston and then here in idyllic san francisco, where i’ve lived now for two decades.
The problem here— the catch; or to overuse a cliche, the irony that I’ve just unwittingly set up—lies in the plurality of the word we. Meaning (ob- viously), in this particular case, many (mini-) mes. Or, more likely, Me (n): despite his del- usional and ov- erarching life- long ass- piration of being a wit (...of some renown), has been here- tofore per- ceived in- variably (if at all) as quite a twit....
(frown) ....Never- theless, he does most often enjoy being per- ceived (if at all. And) as del- usion (which, guffaw, if all goes well—fingers crossed—will be what gets him up out of bed and on his merry way to wherever it is that he— or we—shall be at this time tomorrow).
Many a mother mutters lullabies après plastic surgery. Tight-lit glowworms gnaw at Kaiju and Kaiju rankles, glowers into enemy frowns—Evil Ferocious!—Monster! Zero, he lures moms through Chinatown’s wet barking buskers. Something’s clearly in the air, yet he reddens like Italian sausages. (Look which language this pigeon chooses.) He screws me through a sky and space writ large above the perky crickets. He sees twentieth century masterpiece “Half Full of Stitches, Onward”—crafts its democratic buzz to stay the horndogs of inevitability. Each red dragon chews them up, gives us all a rubber complex-bot, chucks the green-bruised birds into the burnt-out sky. How varied our dim bulbs’ white lies echo—each frilly fib halves our [dorkening] blade!
The spotlights dim as clunky towers crap out in Ninja Kitty City. Glowworms growl and scurvied legs plot rhythm in each broken alley, never quite a cakewalk. Chinatown’s headachy with blottoed pigeons. I can’t sleep beneath the rainless starts and stops, am driven to torturing portraits. Life’s dim bulbs burn orange, burn red at the vile bay’s cumbersome berths. Eyes to see with, Zero looks forward, spells trouble, glowers for apocalypse. I have a pain down my shoulder, right behind my [heart]. Make it somebody else’s ocean; wring its grease-rags of each city-borne sneeze. Dumb stars debunk death, bite attack rockets mounting escape. There are none. Life is never less than apple. Blink again Kaiju, blink until we each glow red with death’s bracken.
Many a muttererer makes Martini-Man blink, his bleary eyes heavy as twice-pickled onions. Look, there he goes now along Rocket Beach, all taken with humanity. The blue blue couches are snoozing by the watered windowpanes as Zero neatly prances through Chinatown’s wet drooling hoses. Zero drools too. And by all measure of predictability at most things blond and burnt. Nobody’s built a rocket since Mount Dragonsnort erupted. And nobody’s broken a code since the dragons built their bulky berths on the bay’s barren shores. Winter’s a humdinger this year. Many a true tale gets lost on Ninja Kitty City, each one languoring for the lie-squeezing bubs. We watch [death] bury each bitten plot beneath the gamboling sun whilst rancid dog-lovers yarl at the piggy pigeons caught in an interminable autumn longueur. Such mini-mutterings make Martini-Man blink his eggy eyes again.
How cliche the rhythms of the bony snowmen. Each pelvic thrust another cheap revolution, each coal-lipped mouth brimming with little white lies. Zero is in the bathroom putting on his [airs]. Summer’s come and gone with its leather pills and its blue shoelaces. Day dorkens. My final decision, as always, is to milk the fiction. This inspires the navies and the tweeds, perks up the bottled waters in offices everywhere, each suite replete with blighted dog-lovers and deviled pigeon-feet. We work our whispers fiendishly, nursing the plotbots with our bitter yarls. Zero has finished his airs. Now we walk our dim bulbs. Now we attack our earnest portraits. Now we ignite Ninja Kitty City with our errant apples, our eager headaches, our bloated verbs and our groused iPods.
Back to square one. No way to see which language stinks of rotten headaches. The soaked pigeons of Italy have flown their coops, recouped rosy Mount Dragonsnort. Everyone lies in true stories. Always curious, Ninja Kitty knows nothing of details, examines each symbol like a rubber apple. Death to the plotbots! Life is never less than normal. Each valiant player has her own set of rules. E.g., Zero equals one. All of the squares know that. With Kaiju and Zero in cahoots, pills flow freely. We milk the summer for each dim bulb, every cheap bruise. Look at the water—back to Zero! No way to swim into it, not the soaked silence it used to be, going nowhere. Scratch hard our velour [rabbits] – in another language this wouldn’t be okay.
By now it must be clear that I am in love with Zero. Because I never publish political poetry. Because I sit in the very same seat every reading and leave without talking to anyone. Because I don’t write political poetry. Because I am fashionable. Because I am opposed to plastic surgery. Because I’m a poser. Because I’m terribly shy. Because I detach my self from one scene as I hurriedly paste myself onto another. Which poets are really stand-up comics? Sorry, old question. Never, ever write anything during a poetry reading. Because I am not super- intellectual. Under the influence of any other [writer] (always this), there is no myself. Here’s a little something to shake up the current program.
Here’s another true story: It’s eleven eleven and I am watching the pretty-color sky. There goes my shooting star. Zero sees it first. Mine hits the ground somewhere near Mount Dragonsnort. More giddy, we keep walking. No where is the whistle of the train, nor the whimper of its many sell-outs. Nowhere Kaiju. Watch what happens. The disparate fictions of mini-languages. And we are desperate. Zero keeps running into the rotten headaches with great measure of predictability. Our [legs] go around the plot as we find our dim bulbs, punch out every growth spurt. Re lying on our evolution, we carry ourselves through a dumb limbo for many bruised years. Only kidding is the yarn star who knocked himself into that greedy mountain. Our allies, the London Squabs, call all the blue taxibots for reinforcement.
Many matters bubble beneath Bubble Girl and her mini- meanings. For once we make speak, talking the talk of the speak that cannot speak its name—names like Ninja Kitty. See Kitty’s city, we all belong here, yet who a mong us crawls its spaces yet like rats, bemused by all its snaking plants, its hard snowmen, and its violent iPods? Serious answers lie beneath each twentieth century master piece. Take Mister Fiction, for example. He cannot find Zero for the life of him, yet his algorithms are no finer than Anysoul’s algorithms. What makes one rhythm worthy over another? Let us escape portraiture! These are the pithy words of dance, commingling among the in- and out-boxes of yesteryear. Let us forthwith to Now, our fat [berths] mingling gleefully among its many mini-spurts.
Welcome to the word-colonies. Can’t we move beyond this brazen earthquake I wanted to ride toward a more romantic sonnet full of good advice and complex rubber plotbots? Death trusts no one, especially Murder Girl, who doesn’t even know noir when she sees it. Then I snoozed bluely on the couch and listened to the mist hit the windowpane. [Zero.] Zero is at the lab and I just ordered take-out, which is usually about $10. The squirrelbots are coming unhinged. They screw me over to the creek full of broken numbers until—I AM LOST. No unencumbered clodhopper could stomach such brazen limbo. I meant the glory of these clouds, this essay on clouds, the glory of holding forth under the soullessness, our overlapping guests, un hinged mallrats with red gills. I have Friday look at my request.
If you ask to be a member, you cannot be a member. Help me, Zero!
I think I’ll just [read] a poem. It’ll tell my story and make me feel good. The poundings of that thing that is pounding in the lot next to the lot where I work are as loud as Kaiju, who swipes all of the buses in the terminal. I’m too noisy to look up at the clouds. No more birthdays in progress. Nor merely the coolest blue, suggestive of the bruises of inevitability. Para normal? Non. We divert all gut-punches into the sense- driven swift of the mainstream. Blunt verbs utter little burnt peeps into the shadows—but they don’t keep the bricks from imploding. Go, Kaiju, go! Four pills and several desperate languages later, Zero arrives with Martini-Man. Martini-Man arrives with a fruit-bat, a burnt bulb and a snowman. All is well in the city.
I am watching the pretty-color sky and the dragon hatches out of it, a new century masterpiece. It is a diagonal dragon and it arrives truly with a red sell-out scheme of featherpills for whom I am uncertain. But it knows Zero and lands on this nearby mountain to burn more snowmen who snout for him. I don’t like Mount Dragonsnort but a quick vacation is a nice idea. Martini-Man gives me a bright red camera to hold onto in verity. Verity, verity, I say unto you, this new birth to the sky is no less than gospel and is the great new language until none other is pinkish and low-spoken. Go dragon! I say [nothing] here. Us new babies are less diagonal, though, and is a little tired from sending FedExes all day long. We bury our big green bruises.
I hereby acknowledge that I have outlined my ex pected responsibilities, per Zero’s Italian masseuse. I’ll be responsible for seeking guidance from the local news on my walk to the burger joint in the afternoon. How so fruitful this foray, evasions not withstanding. My final decision endures the sheer transparency of this desperate language. I blow my blue rose into a punch bowl, Zero’s favorite red one, reboot, and bitterly escape narrative, by an inch or a milliliter, depending on London. I’ll ask how much lunch is on boiled snakes and high-squeezing snobs. Sounds better non-plural. Promise me we’ll be green in December. The lint on my [apples] is a Cheshire smile, but its yellow bow-tie won’t snap us out of it.
Dumb little bird done gone and made its way to May Day. Dumb little blue bird of the infested elephants. Didn’t know which rhythm to function, which mega-fiction to fathom. It’s a cheap thrill to keep Zero from living-breathing. Snake-plant’s found a way to make him seethe and bruise, but that only stretches the elements as they rattle Italy. I’ve got stars on my PJs and I do know the headcode: seven sonatas in five-four tempo. So blow me. Thai food’s gonna arrive and dumb bird’s got dim bulb. I wanna wake [me]. This ain’t my bow-tied take- out but a stanza worth repetition. Rhythm func tion. Cheap bruise. Fun pill to reboot my horn-flute. This dim plot just blew a break! Bam! Pow! Bing! Bopp!
I know how to get to Zero. Make it somebody else’s ocean caught my eye before the boot-faced elephant. Ping the cop-car drafting a naked young gentleman from Italy, all blond and burnt. It’s nothing but an inaccessible rev olution down here, no way to see which language this work is growing, which narrow agents laugh their way through Chinatown’s wet bruised burdens. Know the statute, Zero. It’s your own honest dog-lover of buzzes, not mine. Find your inner portraiture, escape all the snappy punches that bring you down to nobody; no greater thrill than wrap ping one’s leg around a soiled and greedy plot, this [head]ache of a masterpiece finds us minding our own peaches. I’m a shamed of this direction. Wrestle me with the twentieth century fiction, Mister Fiction. Find my bulb, Bubble Girl.
I am dumb fucking dumb fucking dumb for Zero. In me is another me that can yet see this nothing story
develop. U equals the Italian postcard that I shall never C. That is only a small crumb of this dumb limbo that I write for the dogs. The unflattering crop circles proceed to digest the inevitable pill kisses of summer. Red roses red roses let Moses come hither. I am dumb fucking dumb and this dis ruptive intimacy is, by all measure of predictability, a wash, a big green turtle wash. Like you said of the elements, of the brew brew elephants, it is another un volve of me another flaw like the birds another warmum for supper. And it tastes like [apple]. Find me another rend
ering to begin with. Boy, this one stinks of rotten headaches.
This is just the sort of evolutionary honesty I have come to expect, moreover to desire, from Zero and his verse. We wend our way alongside the pasture’s creekbank, looking for the amateur narrator. Cattle low intimately. This pit is full of lava and the snowmen have their own allure. I raise my spatula to the bruised pigeons of Italy. They have their pills. They do not but seek revenge for the snapshots, only for all cameras everywhere. The old bulbs wanted more than just another dud story, another sell-out scheme of escaped narrative. I’ve seen several movies interjected into various beds, each electric in its dog-loving warmth. Lift your [voice]! I lift mine. Zero will be home at nine by all measure of predictability. Life is not but broken. We have yet to see the bony snowmen burn.
Zero is at the laboratory and I’m sitting here with the salt and pepper shakers trying to figure out his bowl of fruit. All the mail is sorted into its various bins. One haiku and a bookshelf of the movie that somebody loves with a handlebar moustache is wilting on the stovetop next to the pink flyswatter. Hanging under the snake-plant is a cigar- box lid and its trolleycar cruising the dog-loving couples. He feels the red pills drying inside of his gut. Who’s given him the police car from Italy, lately? If it were indeed Martini-Man, suffice it to say the feeling would be a-okay. But intimacy isn’t something you simply tangle into your shoelaces like burrs. It’s big-named [moviestars] who are in line with this red-carpet feeling of getting there before the other hungry elephants. We must yet beat that dim spotlight onto the last of the apples.