Thursday, September 30, 2021



the bored bard played up
a fake barf, knowing full
well that the story would
lead somewhere worthwhile,

considering the fact that the
preliminary payola deal was
struck by the number-crunch
ers with a buncha lunks who

didn’t know from shinola
down over at loyola. those
nobodies’d never seen 
nothin’. and ordinarily i

would’ve paid them no
how do you do, but, mind
you, these were not your
ordinary joes, no howdy

doodies these wheeler-
dealers, as the old man so
often would say, always ad
ding “but remember, only

once they defeat us will the
sex be determined.
 but then,
lo and behold, as if the barn-door
were left wide open, a mass

ive welcome mat right in
the front of it sayin’ “cows
only! does eat oats and
goats can go blow!”

but there were the go
phers. “oh, bo, how
low can you go?” “i
dunno,” sez barney,

“but we’ve only got
two choices.
knowing full well what
was coming, wouldn’t

let the poor guy finish.
“lemme guess,” he says,
“it’s either buck up for
some tic-tac-toe,

or swing to your part
ner, do-si-do, and get
the flunky unclucky
duck way the heck

outta there, like jon
athon swift.” percy
overheard the entire
conversation, the walls,

being in all practicality
(a sensibility of which nei
ther of these three clowns
had one solid ounce of,

even if combined, pound
for pound) paper-thin at the
hodge-podge lodge in (none
other than) downtown dodge.

tales from the trash

Wednesday, September 29, 2021


“Hey, guess what?!”

right now i have this thing,
you see, of telling you a little
something of me, a

craving, you might rightfully
call it, of a little bit of nothing
or a terrible lot of everything.

such as, for example, my lap
top, which feels, about as if 
it’s on its last legs. and while

you might then say, “laptops
don’t have legs,” i’d then
offer a “how right you are!”

and tell you a bit about 
my very own, the ones 
upon which i am when

i am walking, which most
ly, in point of fact, do that
walking literally for me,

how today they’re really very
sore from walking here and
there and more, and if you’d

chime in with “how come?”
there’s more, so much more
that i would then tell,

like “i’ll tell you how come,”
and go on about work, my
job, the means with which

i assume i’ll get paid,
which i started only
yesterday, which as

i recall, was a gleaming
tuesday. “right you are,”
and “congrats!” you’d say,

which’d almost whelm me as
it were, because only just atop
this very week did i have at

this place my first interview,
that is, with this particular
lovely crew, as in reality

i’d had such interviews
(except never had these
been in person at all,

they’d often been on
the cellphone as a call,
or mostly, rather, a face-

to-face via video, for
safety’s sake, you see,
thanks to the pandemical

world in which now we
exist) this past couple of
months that, i counted,

amounted to twenty
and two, so here i
am spending some

time here with you,
dwelling quite heavily
on interview number

twenty-three, that is
the 23rd one i have
had in roundabout

this past 2.5 months.
and why was i saying
this? now i remember.

it’s all because you are
standing right here
next to me and

out of nowhere i
couldn’t but hanker
to talk about me,

just to tell you a little
of what’s going on
now that it’s been so

long that i’ve spent
by myself in my
room just waiting

and working toward
this very moment
to happen.  thank

you for being here,
you’re such a dear.
i’m so happy you

made it, as if that
weren’t clear. and
now i work regularly,

like a person, how
awesome it is to
be able to tell you

that not very small
bit about who i am
right now; everything

seems a bit strange
it turns out, most
especially, i’m sure

thanks to various
things going on
in the world that

have kept me (i
must with some sad
ness relay) from

not only seeing
you like this,
what had

most of forever
seemed perfectly
normal, but also

because this
fair news i
just told you

is the most news
i've uttered to
anyone’s face

in what seems
far too long.
it’s in fact

made me most
undeniably dizzy.
so don
t go just yet

if you kindly don't
mind, let me make
you a drink, that's

if you would like.
yes, please join me.
somewhere there

a bottle of wine
we can sip, i in
sist and, well, 

as we spend all the
evening and some
of the night talking

up our good selves,
just you and me, it’ll
be the most wonderfully

perfect thing to help
smooth all the mess of
the past several months.

just to talk about us.
and in so  doingwe
ll be
temporarily free from the 

worries of time and what was 
and just be. what a swell way
to live once again, and unwind.


Tuesday, September 28, 2021


 (in honor of the fact there is nothing whatsoever in that drawer*, but 
 with a little less cynicism. and a lot less idiotic than my last attempt.)

 i am not a cynic: a “sonnet”

 i am not a cynic.
 i am not a cynic.
 i am not a cynic.
 i am not a cynic.

 i am not a cynic.
 i am not a cynic.
 i am not a cynic.
 i am not a cynic.

 i am not a cynic.
 i am not a cynic.
 i am not a cynic.
 i am not a cynic.

 i am not a cynic.

*w/deference to Ron Padgett

pandemical cynic

Monday, September 27, 2021


hot night with google

     I think it’ll be fine.

             —John Ashbery

it’s as unsexy
as it could po
ssibly get. an
d this is not th
e first time, and
i presume won’t
be the last. una
uthorized charg
es on an account,
one i set up for t
he magazine, whi
ch i haven’t even
used, $140, and,
the big news, the
BIG NEWS, i go
t a job, i start to
morrow, it seem
s like a wonderf
new job, i can
not wait, my 20
th interview or
21st in over 2
months, after
a pandemic,
after isolat
ion at home
after isolation
isolation i
so lation 4
so long not
one person
not one per
son not one
person in th
is room bes
ides me and
the roach in
spectors for
nearly two s
olid years so
when i say h
ot night with
google over
payments that
were made we
ekly on an acc
ount i never e
ven open and
count your st
ars i am not g
iving you at le
ast not now al
l the many rea
sons why this
account hasn’
t even been o
pened but tw
ice while on the
phone all night
with google on
a hot hot night
two of the most
unsexy nights i
can recall ever
having (and th
ere have been
more than i
can count on
my fingers a
nd toes that i
remember vi
vidly perhaps
three times o
ver so that’s
what i’m te
lling you
now good
night hello
new job wh
at can i say
to google t
hat might b
e relayed h
ere absolu
tely nothing


Sunday, September 26, 2021


this could be the day

     salt shakers, am i right?

            —Meggie Ramm

but most likely not,
am i right? wow,
what a day! a day

that let’s you know
who you are, that
you’re here, that

you’re ,,, loved?
did it, now?
sure it did.

a day filled
with cell-
phones filled

with people.
a day filled
with photo

graphs of
people to
whom you

’ve some re
lation. but
being black

and white,
they are mo
stly relations

of the progen
itor type. peo
ple for whom

you (i) are (am)
progeny, only
most’d never

know it, mean
ing never knew
it, not a chance.

isn’t this a
good time
to appreciate

the 21st cen
tury? i won’t
say i never lo

ok back, but i
will say i never
surrender my

self to whatever
it is that’s back
there to look at,

because that’d
be unpretty. t
he world is re

plete with ob
stacles, i repeat,
the world’s got a

lot of stumbling
blocks. but so long
as you don’t break

your legs too badly
there will always be
plenty more stuff

to stumble over
and (better yet,
am i right?) upon.

this could be the day

Saturday, September 25, 2021


stuck on a doormat
doing the door math

(who’s so welcome he
knocked it right down

here’s a few hanker
in’ words dot come
made hunkerin’ low
some door-downin’
hunk i do suppose
in this so-called
chronic coffin isn’t
right-izm wrong-izm
at’s a right it’s a day
so super the pan dim
lucky it’s gone, so says
i out to you in a big-hea
ved yell over a helluva
stretch of land, i says H
OW many more can you
be here don’t just glare
says the DAYS drug out
right down to the knock-
knock-knock in my ears
pult so in to this door,
plumb now till ya pound,
down its fleur de lis points
to the pure-dee ground so
who sits all prettily shuts
my lips and moves his
pouts out down to the
cliff to the other big end
of a suez canal where we
live we’re alive but we’re
on the wrong side well hell
say alive as the curtain
goes up just as certain
times coattails drown
pine cones to cups i’m
down to square down 
to all that’s awedded
right here, oh how m
uch more use knots
are so spare me the
glib ‘ready ribbed
everywhere becuz
when’s you gonna
cum they all say
every day and to
me little me when’s
the day when’s
the day well you
henny hens dear
just you wait can’t
ya see he’s a comin’
he’s comin’ yes i
been set free becuz he
is my hunny- my hunny-
and bee. well i do decl
are (a big ditto from
me) oh so please won
cha please why yes if
i care will ya fly if
you’ll fill just this
one more july oh
and two more advil
til the devil’s own
june once or so
we’ll around
we’ll around
round the bend
in a diabetic lump
clump of pills in
our hands, poor
hands run the
stairs all the
way to the door
what a ham-
footed ham
holy hell holy
damn nah it’s
holy toledo and
we’ll boogie
til the birds
of the disco
do their rhyme
chill their chirp
shrill their trill
and who’ll care
what the hell when
the car squeaks around
all the way to the bluff
which upon lives a man
hear the car shimmy up
hear the door’s big kathunk
which is no car door no this
kathunk’s up a chunk up
there on that floor just a
like it’s at us as we
’re down 
on all eight (that’s two sco
res dunka-dunk dunka-dunk
dunka-dunk) and no less th
an it is and what’s more it 
is four.  yes a four that’ll
guess at the who or the
what (it’s absurdly a whom,
and you knew) that kaboom 
down it fell what a dear that’s 
the door he says what it is that
he means that’s my man that’s 
my man what he’s made out of 
me when that fist hissed the do
or. it’s a hit that he made me 
my hitman he banged and 
it flew to the floor!

2 of the 4 that'll hit the floor

Friday, September 24, 2021


(out of place be
cause it’s one
for the ages.)

     you’re too sweet to pull that off right this moment.
     but give it a bit of time, and not only will you give
     me a run for my money, but you'll be king, queen
     and dictator of us all.


here’s a few
notes that
are quotes
from yours

which are not
at the moment,

and perhaps
never will be
because the
whole of it is
grounded in
the now,

or in time
which is to
also say that
they’re steep
ed in univer

scale back on
the honesty,
honey. step
away from

that notion
i’m always
beating like
dead meat,

the one in
which i ar
gue the c
ase that i
do nothing

if not work
at being.
who i

—all around,
no matter w
here or under
whatever circ


while that is
100% truth,
it is just as
equally also
butter ullshit.

+, if it were
not true, an
d if we we
re even ca
pable of ca
lling the
dogs dogs,

and being infi
nitely (& mort
ally), straight
forwardly truth

it’d either be a
boring world or
everyone would
have murdered
everyone else
by now.

i mean (previous
ly, that same era),
as strongly as i a
void self-censors
hip or whatever—

meaning general
ly, with the exce
ption of being a
total dick about

it—couldn’t it be
said that in every
area of (my) life,
almost everything
we do and say and
write or whatever is

inherently so obvi
ously layered in a
complex set of curt
ains and codes?

and all of that pos
turing, that mask
ing, that fibbing
and such,

couldn’t it just be
called levity—at
least just as eas
ily as it might co
rrectly and right
fully be called ly
ing or faking it or 
being hypocritical?

is it just me, or
am i gotten? and
if i’m so had,
isn't that just
the funniest
rub ever?

a few folks nobody knows (or ever did)

Thursday, September 23, 2021


tomato potato

the older i get
the more twist
ed i am, wall
owing as i do
in my doe-ey
ed confusion.
would you ex
pect anything
less from such
a bifurcated soul?
twinkle twinkle
star-crossed gem
ini, what are we
ever gonna do
with me? of
course i’ve al
ways got plenty
of bright ideas,
because duh,
there’s a ton
of fun stuff i
can do with
myself. because
there are so many
of us. of course
what i mean is,
even though we,
either of us, never
know who we’re
gonna be when we
wake of a morning
(or afternoon, or
evening), but, al
as and alack, as
they used to say
(and some of us
still do), it’s really
just the two of us.
but, honestly. why
should that be such
a bore? because,
well, because be
cause why have
just us when we
can always have
more. that’s the
because. no mat
ter how many of
us that i can be,
it’s always more
fun when there
are at least three
(meaning one of
us has please oh
please got to not
be me.) (amen!).

she's twins and a bit down

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


whiz aplomb
(a waltz; for l
ack of further

dis crumply
tis [of thee].

uh, thi
s need
s work.)

okay, so now
that the title’s
been offered,

please forget 
it because it’s 
100% irrelevant 

(or is it?) (damn,
sorry, just kid
ding, it is!) (i

rrelevant, i
mean). let
me start a

gain. okay,
so it’s better
today to use

a phrase like
sustained inn

disruptive any
thing is the pr
emise here. i

can see that,
but let’s not
even begin t

o deny such
such innova

shin is always
at play, and in
terms of old, a

s in old school,
business, or e
ven just the n

otion of old fa
– esp
ecially in bidd

en hiss
– that
which brings
in the dough,

so to speak
(which i’m
not. speak

ing, that is),
in terms of
old anything,

things beco
me flatulent,
or else a frag

i cannot read m
y own hand wri

thing, here.
today, the
savvy are

mostly al
ways look
ing for any

chinks in t
he armor, o
ur armoire

are houri, o
wer own per
sonal am

, let’s 
just leave 
it at that f

or now....
the savvy
today are

just lookin’
for chinks
in our arm

our, are al
ways looki
n’ for such

chinks, and
i do mean al
ways, and th

ere just so hap
pen to always
be words, such

as always, that
i cannot for the
life of me figure

out what i meant
to have written it
to mean, though 

it be just written
this morning. to c
ontinue, i do me,

an always better
and more colorful
and more lucrative

way of reaching t
hat stated or desi
red goal, or of co

mpletely erad
icating that s
ad goal, of m

aking sure one
that’s perhaps
in the same fa

mily as the old
goal, but has mo
re panache and/or

most often necess
arily gets the job d
one. and better and

faster and cheaper
.... am i missing so
mething, like clean

or clearer? (yea
h, more than likely).
and, let’s be clear

here, the way to t
he greatest could in
deed be cheaper, e

ven as millions of con
sumers are, more ofte
n than not, willing to d

ole out more money
for the fastest, the
tastiest, the most e

aspects of
the hypothetical 
esult. it is (or did

i write, is it?) a no-
win for the tried a
nd true? the staid

mechanisms which tim
e and tide have shown
are quite proven to work.

after all? do i even
have to work? what’

s an office? what i
s, and here’s an ar
ea, situated so spe

cifically for its own des
truck shin, and, boy, w
hat an area it is for dis

rupting, and for being 
disrupted and/or disrup
tive, its the parcel most

positively in need of
a change, any chan
ce of it being an evolu

shin nary process, its an
ecology for disrupting, for 
destroying, for rebuilding 

it in one’s image, for 
your personal priorit
ies, for your business 

priorities, for just cuz i
wanna priorities
, with w
hom should one speak?

are there any bots or a
multitude of bots or even
more bots plus robots for

which to hug our consumers?
to what should we most often
non sequitur? to whom might

one beg? you, my friends, are
getting the idea. i can see a g
limmer in your eye, the left one,

at least, the one that seems al
ways to be looking right at me.
you’re in the know, aren’t you?

yeah, you know what, you’re
not only in the know but you
know perfectly well that you

do that thing that you do,
and how it gets! me. the
streetlamp. all the cats an

d dogs
. other people. ev
. you know what
’s imp and what’s non-pro

blematically ignored, you
know what’s in, and you
’re perhaps aware of the

deus ex machina that’s
so obviously coming (a
nd soon!). these are y

our tried and true and
seminal and boring, r
what you’ve been coun

ting on for who knows
how long just to be ce
rtain that what needs

to get done gets done.
right? soon, each and
every one of us left w

ill be the grunts you’ve
enslaved to ever so gle
efully and effortlessly u

p the ante, to change th
e universe, making ever
y rockin’ day as if it were

the last, as if nobody’d ev
er realized that the night
mares we all have could

rather be used to wash
and wear
, or did i simply
write to weather, or

maybe it’s whatever,
but i think what it re
ally says is wagon wh

. yes, unlike hum
ans who are exactly l
ike me, i cannot spot

one of you sad sacks,
in, like an instant, so
please kindly tell me

if you’d’ve been rath
er generous: the ch
it that I shouldn’t’ve

given up today was so
generous that i’m bei
ng like that last good

man remaining, found
just today, of my long
gone species? should i

not quite simply and 
post hastily give up 
immediately? so the 

question before you is 
should i give up today? 
and if so, on what? sho

uld i insist, then, tomorr
ow? and do all of the ma
chinesand do all of the 

processes, and do all t
he trees, and do all of 
the transport services,

and do all of the beach
, and do all of the go
vernment agencies
, and

do all of the duds, all of 
the dates, and all of the
plants, and all of the nuts.

nuts, decide with every
one else that that’s exact
ly what we are (each and all) 

how we r made to make this,
this, and this unrepentantly
distasteful decision all for 

ME? and will, so far. the new
year even, because by then
i’ll have all of my pockets fill

ed with nouveau cash, and 
i’ll be working at a three st
ar restaurant, on a cruise s

hip, or else I’ll be a gu
on the same cruise,
or, say, which word m

ight soon be available
for sale, by which i me
an what planet should i

colonize, come on, you
can tell me, it’ll be our
little secret, and pronto,

and what new or immed
iately impending anoma
lies should i, meaning we,

be worried about, or be 
preparing for, or be look
ing forward to, and what 

are the ways we can make 
ourselves the best we can 
be at the properest of times

so that we may receive what
we then will receive in the m
ost and the moistiestly appro

priate manner, so as to indi
cate that we men are, in a 
manner of speaking, (and i

not, once again, and for the 
record) merely dicks? how 
swift and how economical,

if we put our best efforts and a
ll of our energies together, mig
ht we assist your universal 

ity in order to achieve said goal? 
(was a goal ever even men-shin
ned?) why, you really are the best, 

is what i’m nearly certain is what 
you’ll all be saying to me next. c
uz i really am about to be saving 

your ridiculous waste of life, a life 
of lifelessness, a life of foul will
life of sour little pills, a dour life t

hat i shall never put one oun
ce of effort into pushing onto 
a piece of pimpernel papier, e

ven it were a roll of the quainte
st pimpernel-colored toilet paper. 
because, no anomaly, me, i have

worked out that i’d come to
your rescue, despite all the 
thoughts based on strategies

you might’ve had to the contra
ry, despite your complete lack 
of faith in humanity and us non-

human losers.  and while you’re
at it, what was your name a
gain? might you direct me to the 

nearest all-inclusive, omnisexual
ly-safe (meaning both omnisexual 
and safe) lavatoryor to the near

est whizzable roof; to the roof 
designed for its whizzability
take me to your whizzing roof 

so that I can take a piss while simul 
taneously doing my self the favor of 
having quick and dirty pick-me-up.

the watt over the y

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


white pone

come to
terms w/
never for
get why
is alway
s an op
tion. do
nut be
an imp
ity. eat
a bagel
for brea
kfast in
ine to f
ind no
way to
avoid t
he real
deal? is
you an i
ssue or
is you a
n ain’t?

eat a bagel for breakfast in berlin.

Monday, September 20, 2021


writhing a perm

     (suction pending)

       —John Ashbery

sure there is the
occasional season
of personal suck.
but what a nice
thing to pop on
a sweaty head
set and find my
self dancing down
the sidewalk to the
hits of the summer
of now or then –
and it’s no differ
ent on this fine
foggy day, on
the evening
before the
advent of
has an
just like
the spring
that sprung
out of the
ness of
just a few
ago. or
was it
i really
i won
der, or 
to t
he m
usic t
g into
my ear
s, in my
new mar
outfit, b
down fol
som like
a bowl of
jelly (my
ass being
so thorou
ghly conn
ected to t
he rest of
me). boom
boom boo
m, hahah,

me dancing down folsom one night

Sunday, September 19, 2021


pumped for lunch

     A lot can happen. Just last week
     I like it that way, Bruce’s ankle, eek,
     the beautiful the beautiful.

                      —John Ashbery

a pretty beautiful
tragedy just flew
out of nowhere
and now it’s
tickling my
face with its
cute little jaws
and its weency
dancing claws
and – nope –
it appears to
be hungry the
adorable little
devil and that’s –
clearly this creature –
to which in just these
tiny moments of first
contact, if what feels,
perhaps given the times,
in this undeniable moment,
like no moment of intimacy,
unlike, it could be an act of in
timacy like none i have ever encoun
tered, i’m seriously just so, really so mag
netically drawn to this brilliantly colored little
creature, what is it, a bird, a reptile, it is such
a little cutie unlike any other, yes, that’s what
it is isn’t it, i wonder if it already has a name, 
or should i perhaps give it one, but man, look
how cute it dances all over my cheeks and
my forehead, it’s becoming so soothing, and
not nearly as ticklish as it was, not ticklish at 
all, it’s like it’s giving me a massage, i feel like 
i’m at a spa with this thing, my new pet, and trust 
me, it will be mine, it is mine, i am just loving this, 
this – is it – ouch! – it seems a bit peckish, i mean
this things hungry, you’re hungry aren’t you, you
widdle biwdie, you’we – ouch! – no, i’m,
hey, can you see what it’s doing over here, it’s
taking it’s little really really sharp and very agile
claws and its leaving marks, little red slits, i’m not,
i feel like, is there, am i bleeding over here, hey, is
this thing – OUCH! – this motherfucker just took out a
chunk of my cheek and – SHIT! – it’s – there’s a hole
right thwu my cheek hewe and it’s got its slendew jaws
inside my mouth it’s doing something to my guwms – OUCH!!
– can someone get me a mirror i think this varmint’s trying to
eat my entire face off it’s got quite a voracious appetite and it’s –
that fucker has omigod! omigod! omiGOD! [shrieking now] IT’S

the tragedy bird

Saturday, September 18, 2021







i tend to prefer reality,
and its next of kin,
honesty. but yesterday,
after scouring the head

lines of a news rag that
opened with “woman
dragged to her death
by bart train while

tethered to dog leash
identified,” for just one
single happy headline,
i’m not sure how i feel

about reality after all.
as for honesty, there’s
that subtlety of prefer
ence related to how

you like to take it, say,
on a vector that at one
end lies reticence and
at the other sits straight

forward. or, maybe more
accurately, the two poles
would be ‘tight-lipped’ and
‘balls-out.’ so let’s be really

honest for a second and
offer how we’d prefer our
truth: sure, taken in fell
swoops when it comes

to gossip, fun stuff, how
our leaders are running
things (even this one’s a
bit iffy for me), and maybe

even in a barrage of horrid
ly morbid news headlines,
if that’s your thing. but
what about those

truthy tidbits that are
critical of you, or of
yours truly, let’s say?
or verifiable stuff that

triggers you (or me)?
or bombshells that
come at us direct from
our lovers, our partners,

our compadres for an avow
ed forever (perhaps you
even have this vow inked
upon certified paper),

such as the revelation
of a strong preference
on our dearest’s
part that you were

actually something
else, a something
else which it would
be literally impossible

for you to even be; or
a blurted-out confession
of a very long affair,
that’s perhaps still

transpiring, and that
you’re now being left
for, in order that it
might be pursued to

its fullest, uninhibitedly?
would you then have a
preference for discovering
that you’d been heretofore

un-preferred? or might you
instead resign yourself to
being just fine with a
lousy newspaper full

of morbid headlines?
hypothetically, i mean,
of course. because
surely these aren’t

our only choices?
are they!?

all doubt

Friday, September 17, 2021


imaginary pep rally

     Hey you know how
     lonely I always am because of you.

                             —John Ashbery

let’s stick with
metaphors here
as reality is too
nasty. so, it’s

a pep rally of
one. not much
of a rally, right?
metaphors, re

member? nas
ty reality. but
who cares, wh
en we have the

commotion of
the birds
i not quoted it
almost nearly

in its entirety
by now?)!? n
ow that i’ve
returned fr

the commer
cial break, w
hat shall we

do? why, h
at tricks, of
course! you
pull out the

rabbits wh
ile i go get
the baloney.
we can me

et in the m
iddle, betw
een the lov
ely lady’s s

awed off t
op and bot
tom halves.
sound good?

no shame

Thursday, September 16, 2021



     Somebody left their toothbrush on the dance floor...

                                                   —John Ashbery

and oh,
how i
wish it
were me.

but now,
just woken
up from the

deepest sleep
i’ve had in ages,
it’s four in the

i’ve got inter
views lined
up each day
through the

middle of
next week,
which is the
way things

have been
now for i’d
say a coup
le of months?

yeah. a
couple of
but why

am i
you this?
not only

does it

but it also ap
pears that i’ve
already forgotten.

hello. and
how are you
doing today?


Wednesday, September 15, 2021


fire alarm (tentative title)

it tastes like someone lit a
dollop of mayonnaise in the
middle of my throat just now.
but it’s just a billowing bottom-

heavy gag that has landed pre
sently upon my tongue, and it 
knows exactly what’s coming in 
mere moments, hopefully not by 

way of a godawful retch that 
starts down as deep as is hum
anly possible (it is what i am:
human; but i am not proud of

that fact, and would rather not
say another word on the matter).

medusa is riled

Monday, September 13, 2021


on a torn sheet of paper found
(in my handwriting)

                             Boink I love you.
                              —John Ashbery

I’m for today

                        —Payroll Business

The Note was the way to get
the drugs [sic, slugs? dregs? glugs?]

stubborn            what do you know

Our Aim

Sunday, September 12, 2021



can’t you just
see him hurd
ling through

space? this i
s how we 
t here. in a

matter of m
inutes, will
we all be go

ne? is there
no more tim
e to contem

plate? do o
ur cumulativ
e wrongs out

weigh the r
ights we’ve

ly worked to
achieve? se
e him there?

tumbling th
rough the e
ther, swallo

wing sheer
space, not
hing to gul

p, no way
at all to g
asp? isn’t

it harrow
ing? who
are we to

deserve a
better to

who are
we to de
serve to

who’d w
e even b


bling m
ortally o

e, given
just one
more day?

(tumblingmumblingbumbling mortally onward?)

Saturday, September 11, 2021


back to the basics

let’s have a show
of hands, who
can’t take their
eyes off the
ears, i mean.
i have been
usurped by
all of the air
waves, all of
the noise, all
of the babble,
all of the blurbs
being strewn about
so messily and so dis
tressingly. am i really so
easily distracted? shut up! 
yes, i am so easily distracted.
by the shape of the airwaves swirling
about in my coffin-sized apartment? yes.
there’s the company of words. i don’t have
to let them just . . . take me over. they can
instead seduce. they could inspire. they might
educate, if i learned how to discern one channel
over the rest, if i could make only one of the air
waves the dominant airwave, and go from there.
either way i’m ready to be taken. i’m ready to
be diverted, to be dominated, to become all of
the words, or a few of them. one or two.
how do i sound? do i feel what
i’m saying? i move my chin
over my right shoulder
to make sure that
my lemonade is
still there.
it is.

back to basics

Friday, September 10, 2021


tidbits of truth

i was stood up
on my very first
attempt at a date.

it appears to me
now, some four
decades hence,

that perhaps i
should have
taken this

just a

bit more
to heart.

a but on a head

Thursday, September 09, 2021


to do list

fig newton
sprig futon
whig gluten
ciggy scrutiny
itchy mutiny
glitchy amenity
kitschy humanity
which, eternity
kitchen oddity
ichabod peabody
slip-shod silly putty
hip bo diddly, buddy
skip-bo fuddy-duddy
snip, hoe, mud-puddly
diplo mcgillicuddy
tiptoe, dilly-dally
strep-throat, filly, cali
dethrone rand mcnally
tri-tone band rally
why? too bad, really
i am had, gradually

non compliant

Wednesday, September 08, 2021


trekkie love


        —capt. jean-luc picard

he gave me
his vulcan
hand and
i pressed
my human
one against
his in like
it seemed
a bit bar
baric to
me, with
its simpli
city, and
yet it was
also very
we’d wait
ed for so
for this,
our first
how it
is when
a couple
of love
ship hand
in hand
that way
until i dug
my key out
of my pocket
to get into my,
now our,
where we
in supreme
and never
once did we
leave, like,
not ever.
and thusly
we lived
our fabulous
future, which
is to say we
lived long,
we prospered
and, it should
go without
ever after.

the future is ours.

Tuesday, September 07, 2021


étude sur la sobriété

before getting off
to the new job
i must first
find a job. i

imagine it my
gainful employ
ment of the

sitting here in
my home office
sending out
swaths of

letters of utmost
interest, the
latest iteration
of my résumé

attached to
each, completing
online applications
galore, part

icipating in one
interview after
another, all the

while banging
away at my master
just to keep

on top of it all.
the only problem is
a very distinct lack
of recompense

for all of this
hustle; it’s
all bang
and no buck.

and yet,
here i am,
nose to the

pushing this
fantasy out
as far as it
can possibly go,

living in
my brave,

i believe in you

Monday, September 06, 2021



     ambles away in shambles
                     —John Ashbery

i thought i
was finished
so long ago.

the big reveal
is no big deal;
it happens again



Sunday, September 05, 2021


I Just Can’t Seem to Break the Cycle

     God and I had a good laugh about that one.
                                                —John Ashbery

Cyclotronic Man had briefly become
a very loud

Ominous explosions were being reported
all along the Northeastern
coast – “10 to 20 times

louder than a sonic boom,” kept repeating on the teevee,
a New England reporter on the evening news

simply quoting a guy
who swore his
eardrums were bleeding, the reporter’s astonished

look, the repetition of that look and the
quote on the clip that went viral, then meme.
All the way out San Francisco, jaundiced kids were

glued to their screens
even more than
in the way they usually were.

D.C.’s disappeared hero had gotten lost somewhere
just a ways out past
Feedback Loop,

only to then find himself
(Oh, how he’d always wanted
to awaken one morning to find himself!)

stuck in some sort of
echo chamber, stuck
among (betwixt? amid?) the incessant echoes

as if it were a low-bellied and gargantuan
swamp filled with
nothing but a dense sonic

Up at headquarters
the search party was naturally dispatched too late.

All night long,
reports were streaming in from
up and down the Jersey Shore by

the hundreds.  From mortals who’d
apparently heard and felt Cyclotronic Man’s
bloodcurdling cries for help –

and then – after nearly two solid hours filled with those,
a deafening silence, until finally
Ahoy there, Cyclo!!? Ahoy!!? And that was it.

Meanwhile, up and down the vomitories
of nearly three dozen theatres
built here and there upon the horizons of the

Original Thirteen, halfcocked teenage
heads were gliding in the dark, mid-air,
bodies pacing back and forth,

each with ears attuned for the call of their
names to the stage for their auditions as:
Third Tier Superhero’s Love Interest.